We Are So Dead

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Jackson's P.O.V

Well tomorrow is Celeste's birthday and I wanna do something special for her so I've been talking with the others and they think I should propose considering that Dustin Damon and Brady already have. But I wanted this to be super special so I asked the girls to help me plan a surprise dinner, so while Celeste was sleeping in the back bedroom I drove us to the nearest Olive Garden and we all got out except Damon and Taylor(boy) because they stayed back to keep an eye out for zombies. Once inside the restaurant we all started decorating immediately. Suddenly we hear this banging coming from the back door so we all grabbed our weapons and slowly walked towards the noise..

Gwen's P.O.V

Victoria invited me to go help her and the others go decorate for Celeste's birthday dinner but in about the middle of the decorating we heard these loud bangs coming from the back door so we walk towards the sound only to see zombiefied teenagers a girl and a boy. The boy looked to be about 17 while the girl looked to be about 19 and it looked like they were eating whatever was left over of a man. As they heard our approach Jackson shot the girl considering he was the only one with a weapon but what he didn't know was that he just used his last bullet and the boy was still alive. The boy turned around and it met my gaze it didn't do anything it just stared at me than it slowly walked towards me and I couldn't do anything cause I was frozen in fear. The boy slowly advanced towards me but he didn't look at me with hunger he looked at me with love? Lust? Want? Need? Kindness? Once he was right in front if me he reached out and touched my cheek an dragged his fingers down to my neck leaving a trail of blood behind.as I got a closer look of the boy I saw that he had dirty blonde hair electric blue eyes ad full lips, I knew right than and there that I was in love with this mystery boy. I turned around to face the others to tell them that I'm in love with this mystery boy. I asked them if he could come with us and they started to argue back but I started whining say but Sierra gets to have dustin with us, after about 15 mins of arguing they finally agreed so I dragged him towards the RV so I could try to get to know him, I had to leave the boy outside so I could go tell Damon and Taylor(boy) k that I have him. once they knew they told me to take him into the back room with Serra Dustin and to bring a gun just Incase.

Once in the back room with Sierra and Dustin, I asked Sierra if she could get Dustin to translate for us so she asked Dustin to and he said that he would. The first question that we asked the boy was what is his name so I can stop calling him "the boy" the boy said something but it came out as eeehhtooonmmm I looked at Dustin so he could tell me what he said and dustin said that the said his name was Easton.

Easton's P.O.V

As I was enjoying the taste of the man me and my sister Christine just killed I didn't know we were making a lot of noise until I heard someone say what is that banging sound coming from out back but me and Christine just ignored it cause we thought it was just one unarmed person who we would eat for desert. But It turns out thy it was actually 4 humans and one Of them had a weapon but before I knew it Christine was running at this short girl with brown hair and green eyes, I soon got brought out of my thoughts by the sound of a gun shot. when I see that my sister had been shot. Before I knew It, i was being dragged into a room in a RV and the girl asked me what my name was and I "said" Easton and she told me her name was Gwen. Than she asked me who that girl was with me and I told her that she was my older sister Christine. After awhile the other two left and me and Gwen were left all alone in that one small room..

A/N this chapter was short but how do y'all like Easton and Christine? And also Celeste's birthday/birthday surprise is in the next chapter.



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⏰ Last updated: Feb 27, 2014 ⏰

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