What The Hell Is Going On

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Celeste P.O.V:

As I looked out the front window I saw the most saddening Thing ever my parents were part if the mob. I silently whispered "why me why me out if everybody in this fucked up world why me" as I soon felt the hot tears run down my face I started Seeing black spots in my vision...

Rylee P.O.V:

Once Celeste was woken up we had to worry about how to get passed the zombie mob. As we were looking around for a way I found this old dirt road that supposedly would lead us to the boys, so we took the dirt road and as we pulled up in the driveway we saw something that gave us just a little shimmer if hope just a little.. We saw a very dim glow coming from the tv. As we very slowly exited the SUV and tip toes to the front door we heard mumbling and the occasional "fuck" "shit" or "dammit" coming from my guess Damon Taylor or Jackson cause Brady was never known to curse. Sierra brought me out of my thoughts by opening the door and slowly walking inside what we saw was gunna be burned into our souls forever..

Victorias P.O.V

As we all walk inside we see a very sickly looking Dustin chained to the wall close to being zombified. Than this ear piercing scream followed by a what the fuck happened to him came from Sierra. Damon Jackson Taylor and Brady obviously not aware we were there snapped there head in our direction and once they saw us this look of relief passed through them, next thing we know were being hugged and kissed to death by the boys..

Sierras P.O.V

As we walk through the old rusted door I had this gut feeling that told me something was wrong and I soon found out that I was right. My fiancé (yes I say fiancé and I haven't told the girls yet either) is chained to wall. I soon run by his side and grab his hand and I start sobbing and sending these prayers to god that my baby would be ok. I than felt this light squeeze my Hand and look up to see a very sick Dustin looking Dustin looking down on me with tears in his eyes. He started to talk but all I could make out was kell(my nickname form him) please don't ever forget me and I will always love you no matter what and that you will always have a place in my heart. Before heard his heart stutter than seed up than slow down and stop, I felt his other hand reach for mine and I felt him place something in it. Soon after I feel him take his last breath before the slow painful feeling of turning into a zombie overwhelms him...

Damon's P.O.V (before girls arrive)

We were all sitting around in the living room if our little house thing when we heard this loud bang come from outside. Well we al thought it was a raccoon or possum but little did we know it was gunna be something that would change our lives forever. Dustin go outside to try to scare the damn possum and/or raccoon away so we can get back to watching the football game. Dustin had been out there for about 10 mins and we started to get worried so we carefully walked outside to see a leg less corpse looking thing on top of Dustin so my main reacting is to grab the closest thing to which happened I be a board with a nail in it. I start running to save Dustin from the corpse thing. I start running full speed at it and I swing the board at the corpse only to hear the satisfying "crunch" as it connects with its head. I call out to the boys to come help me with Dustin and to carry him inside. We lay him on the couch and Brady being the smart one out if us all come up with the conclusion the he's changing into that cordon thing we saw, so he goes to the basement and come back 3 mins later with some chains and I look at him with a what the hell look but he just ignores it starts chaining Dustin's hands and legs to the floor. We were all trying to find out what we should do when Brady comes to the conclusion that there was a zombie virus out break and I said no shit Sherlock but he just later at me. But once again running his big mouth he shouts oh shit I almost forget. Me Jackson and Taylor look at Brady with pure shock cause he's known I be one who doesn't curse. After we got over the shock of Brady's mild outburst we start asking him what did he almost forget and he starts to explain that when he went to washing DC last summer to meet the president he saw them working in the lab for a cure to a zombie virus in case the outbreak started. Jackson and I were both using a few choice words like "fuck" "shit" and "damn" because of how far away it was but about that time the girls walked in looking worried but that was soon replaced with happiness and relief.Except for Sierra...

A/N: ok so I know it was short but will be updating shortly don't forget to vote!!!! Also I wanna thank my friend @soybean10 and many more for the inspiration to right this.



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