Meeting Gwen

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Sierras P.O.V

I woke up laying on something I thought it was the car cushion but as I look up I see Dustin looking down at me smiling, I slowly started to smile back at him but as I got a closer look at him I saw that he looked a little more humanly than usuall. As I got off of him I felt the feeling of hunger rush through me so as I was looking through the food bags I saw that there wasn't any food left so I walked up to the front and told brady to pull up to the closest Walmart so we can stock up on some food he said ok.

Victorias P.O.V

I woke up with the warm feeling of the sun on my face and the feeling of Brady's Hand in mine. Brady told me that he had to drop the the others at the grocery store to get some more food, and he said that me and him were going to go steal an R.V.

Taylor(girl) P.O.V

After Brady dropped us off at the Walmart me and Damon went down the medicine aisle to stock up on medicine in case any if is got sick but I caught something in the corner of my eye...PREGNANCY TEST!!! With out Damon seeing me I quickly grabbed a handful and stuffed them in my bag for me and the others just in case they decide to have sex tonight. While leaving the medicine aisle me and Damon started heading for the food to lick out what we wanted we ended up getting a buggie full of pizza lunch meat bread soda milk cheese hot dogs spaghetti etc.. Soon after we met up at the entrance with the others and they also had buggies full of food as we started to leave we heard the sound of things being moved than we saw the figure of a girl running to us looking no older than 16.. What surprised me the most was that she was human!!!

Gwen's P.O.V

As I was sitting in the security room watching the cameras I saw 5 teenagers run in the store dragging a zombie looking boy along with them. I got very excited thinking they would take me with them so I ran out the door all through the walmart knocking things over when I finally saw them about to go out the front door they turned around and looked at me with pure shock on their face I walked up to them out of breath and said um h..hey my g..wen. Than I passed out from lack of air

A/N: hey guys so how do y'all like Gwen? My friend EGW is the person playing her



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