Update on sequel/ thanks for reading!

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Alright guys, so I wrote the first chapter of the sequel, Carmen, (I know I'm in a roll) and I'd like y'all to do me a HUGE favor and go read it!

Y'all's support for this story was amazing, I hope y'all will support Carmen as much as you did Keeper.

Anyway, Carmen will center on Mitch and Bri's daughter, Carmen, and it'll entwine with their past.

Carmen is also a trueMU au fanfiction, as I decided to remove Jason from Keeper to make the sequel more interesting. He's not a part of TC but is still a youtuber and is Carmen's age.

Also, I'd like to thank y'all SO MUCH for your support of this story. Couldn't have done it without you guys!

Anyway, go read Carmen, you can find it on my profile!

Much love xx

Keeper (bajancanadian) editing/re-writingWhere stories live. Discover now