Chapter Two

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Keith's life had been bad enough already.

His mother is dead. He had no friends. His family company is slowly going down the drain, and his father ruined his name. Death seemed like a better option at this point.

It wasn't that he considered suicide, nor did he absolutely fear death to the point of worship. If anything, death was nothing but inevitable, and Keith would let it come at its own time.

He just felt as if the time was now.

Was his decision to fight stupidity? Hopelessness? Or pure instinct? Nonetheless, he made it, which resulted in his consequence: stripped and tied to a rock, left for the coyotes. The boys responsible for this gathered around and jeered at him.

"What a faggot."

"I bet he likes it."

"He looks just like his dad."

Would any of this matter? Death would come anyway. He wouldn't have to worry about this then.

Eventually, the boys would isolate Keith to await the outcome. He wouldn't know how long he'd be there. Although it was a summer night, the cold wind bit mercilessly on Keith's bare skin, leaving him a shivering mess. He hung desperately on the thoughts of the comfort of his home, and the comfort of his bed. He hung desperately on the scene he viewed not too long ago. He hung on the possibility that he and Shiro could be- could've -been friends, had the conditions been different.

Then he pondered how much he truly fucked up.

Should he survive this, he'd be worse than dead. He'd ruin the family name more than his father did. It's one thing to get drunk at a party and say a few things. It's another thing to have rumors of him naked, tied to a rock, dead. That's pornography. That's vore. That's distasteful.  What would his father's company say about this? What would his father say about this? Who would be the disappointment then?

What would his mother think of him?

At this, Keith began to sob bitterly. He wanted death to come. He wanted to live another life, be another person. He wanted to reboot the day, or maybe just the part where Shiro brought up what his father said. Running away was a mistake. Throwing the punch was a mistake. Keith was a mistake.


About twenty minutes later, three figures emerge from the bushes, in a panic. The smallest one is clinging for dear life on the biggest one's back as a taller figure with a slim physique runs alongside his two companions. The biggest one puts the smallest one down gently and runs for the bushes to vomit.

"Did we lose them?," the tall one inquires, running a hand through his hair, heavily breathing.

The biggest person responds from a nearby bush,"God, I hope so. I'm hungry."

"LANCE, THIS IS ALL YOUR FUCKING FAULT," the smallest one lunges at the tall one, Lance, but fails, due to the big one pulling them back. "Woah, calm down, Pidge."

"Yeah, Pidge, calm down!," Lance exclaims. "I thought it was a dog, not a coyote!"

"That's because you're a dumbass!"

Pidge and Lance bicker as the unidentified person looks in Keith's direction, seemingly taking a closer look. The person's head is hanging down, clearly tied to a boulder, but it is definitely a person.

"Uh, guys?"

"Well, you're a smartass, you gremlin!"


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18, 2017 ⏰

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