Just for the Discussion

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"Ken is still on the phone with Mary," Felix mentions when they step off the shuttle, entering the hotel. "It'll probably be another half an hour before we can eat."

"That's fine by me," Mark replies.

Jack nods in agreement.

"You're quiet, Jack," Felix mentions, watching the Irishman's face. Jack's heart clenched, afraid Felix knows, but he tries to shrug it off.

"Jet lag," he lies smoothly.

Felix accepts the excuse, leading them to the front desk. They receive their key cards, piling into the elevator. It's bigger than the last one, though the extra room is unnecessary without Ken.

"Third floor," Mark tells Felix as the Swede moves to press the button.

"Fourth," Jack calls when Felix doesn't push another button.

The elevator doors slide open to the third floor. Felix and Mark wheel their stuffed suitcase into the hall. Before they can get too far, the Swede turns back to Jack, calling, "We're meeting in the lobby in half an hour, Jackaboy!"

He gives a thumbs up, too polite to shout in the hallway. Riding the elevator up another floor, he steps out on the forth floor, finding the hall abandon. He stares down at the key card, looking for the room that matches the numbers. It is quite a ways down the hall, closer to the stairs at the end rather than the elevator at the center. When he finds it, he slips the card against the sensor, pushing the door open.

The room is nicer than he would have normally chosen. With a large bathroom off one side and an oversized section beside the king sized bed- stacked with fluffy pillows- it's a shame he won't have much time to enjoy the luxury. Rarely, he knows, does he find the time to sit down and relish simple pleasures. He does note the wrapped chocolate resting on the topmost pillow, deciding there is time for that comfort.

Jack leaves his suitcase by the couch, popping the chocolate into his mouth. His stomach growls, the candy reminding him that he is quite hungry. He gives a bit of a grumble, checking his phone for the time. Fearing the low battery percentage, he digs out his phone charger, plugging it in and leaving his phone on the nightstand to take a bathroom break.

When he comes back, he can see the lit up screen from across the room. He gives a nervous exhale, already knowing it is from Mark. He picks it up, opening the message.

Mark: can you come to my room? It's 305

Jack: Be down in a minute

Jack shoves his phone into his pocket, running his hand through his hair. Sliding his key card into his back pocket, he leaves his room. With a less than confident stride, he walks to the end of the hall, where the stairs sit. Only going down a single floor, he feels almost required to use the stairs.

He pushes the heavy, metal door open, stepping into a carpeted stairwell. He takes the stairs two at a time, descending two flights to get to the next door. He pushes that door open, entering the third floor hall.

Mark's room is close to the stairs, so Jack doesn't have much time to consider what to say. He hopes Mark is ready to do most of the talking because the poor Irishman already feels too nervous to speak. Regardless, he gives a few good knocks to the wooden door.

Mark answers quickly, smiling at his guest. "Hey, man. Come on in."

Jack gives a tight smile, follow Mark inside. The room is the same as Jack's aside from a larger suitcase setting aside the couch. Mark takes a seat on the couch, motioning for Jack to sit as well. He does, though his heart is still beating too hard, placing himself an arm's length away.

Mark clears his throat. "So, I, uh, guess we should just get right to it, huh?"

Jack nods, twiddling his thumbs.

"Do you remember what happened?" Mark asks, intense stare forcing Jack to meet his eyes.

Jack nods again, his teeth chewing on his bottom lip. He feels like he lost his voice.

"How much?" Mark questions, eyebrow raised.

Jack blushes. "Everything. I wasn't that drunk."

Mark chuckles. "I beg to differ."

Jack rolls his eyes but stiffens again, looking back to the other. "Have you told anyone?"

The raven shakes his head.

"Not even Felix?"

"Especially not Felix," Mark emphasizes. "Have you?"

"No. I don't ever plan on telling anyone, to be honest."

"Not even Signe?"

Jack frowns, dropping his eyes. "I can't," he sighs. "I took yer advice. We had a bit of a break, about a month or so. But now we are back together. It's not perfect, but it is getting a lot better."

Mark gives a small smile. "I'm really happy for you, Jack. I'm glad things worked out between you two."

Jack gives a genuine smile. "Thanks. What about you and Amy?"

Mark's smile flatters, and he gives a bit of a sigh. "We're talking. Not back together officially, but I think we will be soon. I miss her, and she seems to miss me, but we just aren't ready to jump back in yet."

"I hope ye both turn out happy," Jack offers sincerely. He puts his hand on Mark's knee, it feeling right to comfort the other. The raven chuckles, patting the other's hand.

"You always have been a softie, Jackaboy."

"So we're good?" Jack asks, blue eyes looking into brown.

"We're great," Mark smiles. "Just a little mistake, ya know? And we'll keep it between us. No harm, no foul."

Jack nods, though his heart lurches at the word mistake. He understands why Mark would use that word; it was a mistake. But, then again, when it was happening, it definitely didn't feel like a mistake. He tries to shake the thoughts away.

"Mark?" Jack begins, a blush rising on his cheeks. He wants to get past this, but there has been on question on his mind since it happened.

"What's up, buddy?"

"I know this may sound a little," Jack coughs, rubbing the back of his neck, "strange. But I have to ask. Did ye, uhm, did ye like it?"

"Did I like having sex with you?" Mark clarifies, just to watch the green haired man squirm.

Jack turns beet red but nods tightly.

Mark chuckles, a bit awkward. "I did, but it was my first time with a guy so... I mean I don't have much to compare it to... What about you? Did I... live up to the hype?"

Jack drops his face into his hands, too embarrassed to meet eyes. He nods though, his entire face hot.

Mark touches Jack's wrists, easing his hands away from his face. When the Irishman glances up, he can see a pink blush along his friend's tanned skin. It makes him feel a bit better.

"That's good to know," Mark smiles.

A pounding sounds on the door, and the two jump, pulling away from each other. "Let's go, Mark! If your ass makes us late, I'm going to have to eat you!" a male voice laced with a Swedish accent shouts.

"That's is our cue," Mark laughs, rising from the couch.

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