Just for the Fascade

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A pounding sounds from the door. Jack shoots up, head snapping towards the noise, breath too quick for this early in the morning. Mark is sitting up a second later, glancing from Jack to the solid wood.

"Housekeeping~!" a high pitched, comically feminine voice calls, a Swedish tongue curling the sound.

Mark and Jack shift their gazes to the other, pure panic running through their expressions. The pounding comes harder, without a second of pause between each bang.

"Coming!" Mark calls, silencing the knocking.

He turns to Jack, speaking low and fast. "Go to the bathroom and don't come out until I call you."

Jack nods, pulling himself from the covers. Barefoot, he tiptoes to the bathroom. An ice cold shock of reality runs through him when his feet find the freezing tile, but he closes the door gently behind him regardless. He keeps an ear to the door, listening.

Mark walks towards the hall door, muscles tense and heart beating a bit too hard. He releases a breath, forcing himself to fake sleepiness. He gives a big yawn, to set the mood, before pulling at the door handle.

"It's about time!" Felix demands, walking inside without being invited.

Mark closes the door, rubbing at his eyes as if he just woke up. Felix is too oblivious to spot the lies: he never looks too hard. The Swedish man sits down on the arm of the couch, bursting with energy despite the hour.

"Now that you have finally gotten up," Felix draws, "we have about a million things to talk about before breakfast. And you haven't even showered yet! Fucking hell Mark you're going to make us all late. Again. Hurry up before I-"

Felix pauses, glancing at the bathroom to find the door closed. He quirks his eyebrow, looking back to Mark with curious, blue eyes.

"Is someone here?" Felix asks.

Mark pauses for a second, trying to pick his lie. Cold fear grows like ice in Jack's heart. It kills him to be trapped in the bathroom, waiting for Mark to pick his fate. Terrified of the hole the two are digging, Jack opens the door, stepping into the room with the others.

Felix's lips part, as if his words have been stolen by surprise. He looks between the two men. Each time his gaze falls on the Irishman, Jack can't help but drown in guilt and fear. Can Felix keep this a secret? Will Felix want to keep this a secret?

"This can't be," Felix finally says, sounding upset, almost disappointed.

"Felix," Mark begins calmly, "You have to understand-"

"Don't you even talk, you traitor!" Felix interrupts.

Mark is silent, tilting his head a bit in confusion.

"Jack," Felix calls softly, like a mother to her child, "how could you do this to me?"

Mark snaps his gaze to Jack, face unreadable. But, his eyes show a deep hurt that tears a hole thought Jack's heart. Yet, Jack has not the faintest clue as to what Felix is talking about.

"I thought we were bros," the Swede continues, motioning between the three of them. "But you two go behind my back like this? Making videos without me? I'm hurt!"

"Oh!" Jack finally catches up, a smile coming to his face.

"Sorry, Felix," Mark chuckles. "It was a two person challenge."

"We could have left Jack out!" Felix demands, overly dramatic.

"Hey!" Jack pouts.

"Why have green pewdiepie when you can have the original poods?" he counters, throwing his arms out. "But it doesn't matter now," he sighs dramatically, pushing himself over the armrest to fall back onto the couch. He folds his hands over his stomach, legs hanging over the edge of the couch. "You two have made your decision. I am the third wheel. The odd man out. The one who has to ride alone at Disney World."

"Oh hush, you Swedish meatball," Jack mutters, rolling his eyes. "There's no third wheel. Next time we'll leave Mark out."

"You promise?" Felix asks, big eyes looking across to Jack.

"Of course! Between you and me, I never liked him much anyway," Jack teases.

Mark gives him a bit of a playful shove, knocking their shoulders together, but Felix's mood has completely turned. The blonde pops up from the couch, tossing an arm around each of their shoulders.

"Now that everything's back in order," Felix smiles, "I have a proposition for you two. I've got my panel in the afternoon, and I'm going to need a few guests."

"Is this an invitation or a demand?" Mark smirks.

Felix shrugs. "It's whatever you want it to be. So what are you guys in?"

"Are you going to make us do embarrassing shit?" Jack questions, eyebrow quirked.

"Whatever it takes for the views," Felix laughs, pulling the Irishman closer by the arm secured around his shoulders. "Nah, just a few games. Easy talking. Shouldn't be anything different than Mark's, except for the proposal. Even I didn't think to pull a gimmick like that."

"It was cute, you heartless bastard," Mark demands.

"Yeah, yeah," the blonde dismisses. "So are you guys in or what? Ken already agreed to do it. So if you nerds don't want to, the two of us will just read graphic fan fiction or something."

Jack's face screws up, but he nods anyway. Mark gives a little chuckle and a firm shake of his head. Felix's face breaks into a large smile, and he gives both of them a friendly slap on the back.

"Great! Now get dressed," the Swede demands. "If anyone saw you like this, they would probably think you were fucking or something."

Mark laughs, throwing a sideways glance to Jack. "Whatever it takes for views."

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