[3] Introducing the boss

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I woke with a banging headache, my very skull seemed to throb and ache. My eyes peered open, adjusting to the bright white lights of the room that shone down onto my face as if I was being interrogated. My arm still stung and I looked down to it, half expecting it not to be there: but still it hung limp and numb. I nursed my wrist from where they had had tightly been gripped onto, biting my lip as I tried to remember what had happened.

I looked around the room to see that I was sat on a chair, an old wooden chair in front of an old wooden desk with an old computer that would be lucky if it still worked. Nobody else was in the room, well apart from Frank of course who stood by my side looking sadly towards the floor. I leapt from the chair and headed straight towards the grey coloured door, placing my hand on the handle and trying to open the door. It was no use. It was locked. Everything around here was locked though. There was no escape. I threw my body weight against it once maybe twice and clawed at it; screaming to be let out of the godforsaken room. Turning back around I saw Frank drag his gaze from the floor and look at me. Well, he seemed to look straight past me and into the distance as if I didn't exist. Spinning around I saw the woman Jackie (the bitch who runs this entire mental institution or whatever the hell this prison is) stood on the other side of the door.

I practically ran from the door, every single thing about her scares me: her humongous size (both tall and outwards), her stern staring almost black eyes that look down on you as if you are the non-removable chewing gum stuck to the bottom of her boots. Her body was wrapped in a way-too-tight skirt accompanied by a well ironed shirt and her skin was rough and course with a tightly knotted bun of brown hair attached to her frowning face.

"Sit!" she yelled as she entered the room and plonked herself down on the chair opposite me whilst heaving her legs up so that they could rest on the now creaking desk.

I shuffled awkwardly as I sat down, accepting the reassurance that glittered in Frank's sad eyes as he stood next to me. I could feel his breath on the side of my neck and could almost hear his heart beating, and that was all I needed at that moment...just Frank.

"Gerard Way..." Jackie spat as she glared at me, "Gerard fucking Way trying to run away...." she paused, picking food from her teeth, "again..."

She looked back to me almost as if she was weighing me up, as if she was trying to read my mind and see what was going on. Let's put it this way: if looks could kill then I'd be pushing up daisies and she'd be locked up in prison for mass murder, if you can understand where I'm coming from... which I really hope that you do.

"You have anything to say for yourself?" she asked with spit flicking onto my face. I wiped it away in disgust as I trembled slightly.

"Huh?!" she mocked, "nothing to say?"

I felt Frank shuffle closer to me and I tried to stop the shaking, after all I didn't want her to think that I was scared of her.

"Nothing?" she sneered again.

"I'm sorry..." I mumbled back.

"You should be!" she yelled back in her course and grating voice, "you woke up your entire ward you filthy scoundrel!"


"You thought that you could escape!"

"I'm sorry..." I mumbled again whilst clutching my hands together as a knot tightened in my stomach. 

"Well I've got news for you Gerard! You ain't going any where! Ever!" she screamed at me. 

I felt my fists tighten and I bit my tongue to stop me from yelling back at her.

"And anyway...." she continued, "you ain't got nowhere and no one to go to even if you do somehow manage to escape!"

"B-b-but..." I stuttered, "b-but I do..."

"Ha!" she laughed, "who?! Who would ever want to help you?!"

"Frank." I replied as I looked him, feeling warmth as he smiled back at me effortlessly.  I'm sure that Frank would help me if  I get out of this place, I mean when I get out of this place. I'm certain that Frank would be there for me.

"Oh for fucks sake!" she sighed, rolling her eyes, "not this again!"

"Frank will look after me!" I continued, a little confidence spurring me on, "and I will look after Frank and we w-"

"Shut up! Shut up!" she yelled, slamming her fist down on the desk, "he's not real Gerard! Frank doesn't fucking exist! It's all in your mind!"

"B-b-but..." I stuttered, sure of Frank's figure stood next to me with one of his hands resting comfortingly on my shoulder, "but he's right here!"

"Give it up!" Jackie replied, "he isn't real! You need to realise that he's not real! And while you think that he is you have no chance of getting out of here!"

"Well I guess that I'll never get out and I'll simply die here then for all you care..." I spat back at her.

"Well that's your problem not mine..." she said whilst standing up and thundering towards me. She grabbed my wrists and I winced as pain shocked through them, but still she dragged me from the office and back down the gleaming white corridor to my dismal little cell of a 'bedroom' also known as Room H271. After throwing me back down on the floor she turned her back and locked the door leaving me in complete darkness.


Notes: hello again. I hope this chapter was okay though I think its a bit crap. but it will get better soon: hopefully. Thank you for reading. :) x


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