[11] Introducing 10 reasons

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*um, contains violence*

Breakfast. Again. Its just a constant cycle every day. Wake up. Get dressed. Laugh at how stupid my attempt of a life is. Go for breakfast. Get made fun of by Liam. Sometimes end up in the hospital wing or go to therapy with a person who pretends that they can help me. Then it's more food and then sitting in a room by myself for the rest of the day listening to the voices before trying to sleep and failing. Then the sun rises and its breakfast again. And to be quite honest with you I'm pretty sick of it by now.

Breakfast tastes like shit. I can't speak to Frank because there is no Frank. He didn't save me last night. He let the army of guards hunt me down and hack at my skin: which still stung if I even moved. Despite my screams and explanations to the staff and the nurses about the blood that escaped my arms and the scratches and stab marks they simply ignored me. They said they weren't there but they were. The blood was coating my arms and the white bed sheets were an ugly crimson colour.

But they didn't care. Why should they care about me?

You see...this is what goes through my mind when I don't have Frank to talk to. I just wanted someone to talk to.

"Hey Gerard." A voice sneered as a huge figure stood over me as I tried to eat in the hidden away corner of the dining hall.

"Liam...please not today..."

"What?!" He laughed with an unlit cigarette dangling from his mouth: moving in time with his lips as he spoke. One end of the cigarette matched perfectly with his ginger hair which fell messily to one side, it was only now that I noticed the tattoos that cloaked his arms. Dragons and skulls and tigers and symbols. How could he even stand the needles?

"Oi fuckface!" He clicked his chubby fingers in front of my face causing me to snap out of my trance.

"What do you want Liam?"

"Where's Frank today?!" He sniggered, taking a seat next to me and putting his mucky old boots up on the table.

"Frank's not here at the moment..." I mumbled quietly hoping that he wouldn't hear.

"Hey its fine....you could just pretend he's real for now oh-wait no...you do that every day don't you?!"

"Fucking LIAR!" I yelled, jumping up onto the table and booting the prick in the face. He fell backwards from his chair and scrambled around on the floor.

I jumped down next to him. "Don't speak about Frank like that! He is my best friend! He is the only reason I am still alive!"

"Frank is the same as your reason to live: non-existent! Worthless piece of shit!!!"

"FUCK YOU!" I cried, throwing my fist into his chest. Not quick enough. He had me by the throat. His fingers were clamped tightly around my neck and he dragged me from the floor gagging and begging for oxygen, throwing me up against the wall. My lungs seemed to ache as I longed to breath and it felt as if they were going to burst through my ribs and spill out of my gasping body.

"A worthless unloved fuck like you is not allowed to attack me!"

He removed his grip from my neck and I slunk to the floor, nursing my neck and the bruises that wrapped around it as if they were a pretty necklace. Punches rained down on me: as common as rain falling from a murky storm cloud.

"You have no reason to be alive!" He yelled as he threw me against the wall and pressed his huge boots onto my heaving chest.

"Go fucking kill yourself anyway! Your family hates you! Everyone hates you! Fuck! Even your imaginary friend hates you! So why don't you go and put us all out of our misery!"

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