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The plan was simple.

Get there, stall for time, and wait for Polly, Lilia, and Emma to arrive with full back-up of swat cars and cops. I knew well that left plenty of room for error, but I didn't expect everything to go swimmingly anyway. These were scorned delinquents, after all. To think we could hash out a plan without a hitch would be foolish.

Ezra didn't sleep much at all the night before, either tossing restlessly or pacing around the confines of his late aunt's house. I longed to talk to him, or do whatever I could to help him through it, but I remained in the bed. There was nothing I could do. Not now, at least. I knew better than most when someone was in need of private time, and that was Ezra.

We went about our separate routines in the morning, in absolute silence. I had the distinct feeling that we were preparing for war, and maybe we were. I knew, to Ezra, it probably felt like it. He had been running from these people for so long, and to finally face them down? I could only imagine all the different emotions ravaging his system.

It was do or die, and I refused to let him choose the latter.

Night came all too fast. Before I knew it we were all sitting in Brent's car, somber and thoughtful, staring up at the daunting fight club.

"This is it, then, I guess," Rhys stated, cracking his knuckles. "Everybody ready?"

Silence was our response, and he nodded.

"Awesome. Let's do this thing."

He, Alec, and Brent all filed out of the car. I moved to join them but Ezra's hand wrapping around my arm stopped me. When I caught the expression on his face, everything within me faltered.

"You okay?" I asked, the dumbest question possible, but I didn't know what else to say.

Ezra shook his head. "I don't know what's gonna happen there. None of you know Dale like I do. We could have the best plan in the whole damn universe and it wouldn't mean a thing."

I straightened his shirt, picking off a piece of lint from the black fabric. "What do you want me to say? We're here now. It's too late to bow out."

"I know, I just . . ." He didn't finish the sentence. I figured he didn't have the right words to say.

I heard Rhys call for us, and shot back a harsh, "Be right there!" After watching him roll his eyes I climbed further into the back seat and faced Ezra. "We have to do this," I said.

His face was pained. "I know."

"Do you?"


"Good." I brushed his hair back. "You want this to be over. I want this to be over. Soon, it will be."

"I hope so."

For a moment I rested my forehead against his, grabbing hold of this short time we had together, just the two of us.

"Annie," he spoke up. "When this is all over, there's something I want to tell you."

I pulled back, giving him a wry smile. "Why can't you tell me now?"

He rubbed his thumb along my cheek. "Incentive to make it out of this alive."

"Nice. That's a nice incentive."

"I sure thought so."

"Annie! Ezra! If you're christening up my car I'll shoot the both of you!"

I chuckled at Brent's agitated voice, while Ezra brandished a sleek handgun and held it out to me.

"I don't need that," I tried, but he just shook his head and shoved the weapon into my chest.

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