Suddenly Starlet--Chapter Twenty Three

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Chapter Twenty Three

            “It’s not exactly like I’m out of shape mom,” Laney argued as she took a bite of her muffin.

            “I already explained this to you, Lane. They didn’t get you a personal trainer because they think you’re out of shape,” her mom answered from her place on the couch. “Because you’re going to be on your feet all day, you have to stay active outside of work. Acting’s hard work and we’ve got to make sure you’re at your best physically.”

            “Or maybe they just want me to look like Breeze,” Laney grumbled.

            Laney had been in a grumpy mood ever since she’d woken up that morning. She had a sneaking feeling it was due to the fact that she hadn’t gotten back from Chad’s until close to midnight and then hadn’t actually fallen asleep until well after 1 am. When her mom had woken her for her 7 o’clock workout session that morning, all she could think of was that she almost wished she hadn’t stayed out so late.


Despite the bowling shoes incident, the night before had turned out to be a good time. After bonding together over bowling balls, it was easier to think about working with everyone on a daily basis.

Even Breeze.

There was a point in the night when Breeze had slipped and fallen when she’d stepped too close to the edge of the lane and it was almost enough to make Laney forget that the girl was a movie star. It dawned on her that it was hard to hold someone up on a pedestal when you’ve seen them fall flat on her butt—and bruise more than just her ego.

As fun as the night had been though, Laney still found herself half asleep, eating her breakfast before the sun had even started to peek over the horizon.

A few moments later, Laney heard a knock on the hotel door and her mom rose up from her seat to answer it. She could hear the door open and her mom talking to someone at the door.

Laney sighed from her spot on the couch and popped another piece of muffin into her mouth, as she waited for her trainer to come into the room.

She didn’t have to wait long though and soon found herself looking up at a pretty, redheaded girl in a pink and blue tracksuit. Laney studied the girl curiously, as her mom and she made small talk. She looked as if she were only a few years older than Laney and had a nice toned physique. The girl was only a few inches taller than she was, but Laney still found herself intimidated by her commanding presence.

“Hi Laney, my name’s Brooke. Looks like we’re going to be stuck together the next few weeks, huh?” the redhead asked her, as she stood in front of Laney with her hands on her hips.

“Guess so,” Laney answered, not hiding her lack of enthusiasm.

“Don’t worry,” she went on. “I know we’re going to be working out, but we’re also gonna have tons of fun. I promise.”

            Laney forced a smile, stood up and brushed crumbs off of her lap. “I’m ready when you are,” she said and followed Brooke to the door.

            “Have a blast, you guys,” her mom called to them as she turned on the TV.

            Laney turned in the doorway and half-heartedly waved to her mom before pulling the door shut behind her.

            They made their way through the lobby and over to a canary yellow convertible that was parked in the lot near the entrance of the hotel.

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