Suddenly Starlet--Chapter Twenty-Eight

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Chapter Twenty Eight

After they had wrapped for the day, Laney walked with her mom back to her trailer. Despite the fact that she’d spent the last three hours kissing a boy she wasn’t dating, and her lips were so sore she was sure that if she looked in the mirror, they’d be bleeding, she’d had a considerably great first day on set.

            Once she’d gotten over her nervousness about kissing Wes, Laney had seen that delivering her lines and getting into the head of her character wasn’t all that hard. In fact, she’d found that Chad was an incredibly easy person to work with. Every time she’d deliver a line in a way he hadn’t liked, he would guide her through the scene until it was perfect.

            Laney was more convinced than ever that she had made the right decision in moving out to L.A. And with a whole scene under her belt, she was ready for more action.

            But not necessarily that kind of action, Laney thought as she touched her lips lightly.

            “So, you wanna head back to the hotel and maybe take a dip before dinner?” Laney’s mom asked as she slipped her arm around her daughter’s shoulder.

            “Yeah, that sounds good,” Laney answered, yawning loudly. “It’ll give me a chance to wash all this goop off my face.”

            “Don’t most teenagers wish they could wear more makeup?” Laney’s mom joked.

            They reached Laney’s trailer and started to walk into the familiar digs.

            “Laney,” a voice yelled from behind her.

            She turned around to see Tanor running up to where she was standing, frozen halfway up her trailer stairs. Glancing back at her mom, she gave her a pleading look.

            As if she understood, Mrs. Herman pulled the door closed behind her, leaving Laney with the young heartthrob.

            “Hey, Tanor,” Laney answered, as he slowed down to a stop a few feet in front of her. In an attempt at sounding cool and not like she was completely freaking out on the inside, she added, “What’s up?”

            “You did a really good job today,” he said, flashing her a big smile.

            Feeling the heat rising to her face, Laney smiled back at him. “Uh, thanks.”

            “It was your first kissing scene, right?” he asked her, almost sheepishly.

            Debating on whether she should lie to him or not, she finally gave up and shrugged. “That obvious, huh?”

            “Nah, I just remember that I was a wreck my first time. It’s always tough doing your first kissing scene,” he said, shoving his hands deep into his pockets. “I mean, everyone expects you to act all cool and calm when you’re making out with someone you barely know, in front of so many people. But I think you handled it like a pro.”

            She couldn’t believe that Tanor McKenzie, who made every girl with a heartbeat swoon on a regular basis (ever since Waverly Place had gone into syndication, you could catch Tanor every night at six o’clock) was complimenting her on her makeout skills.

            “Thanks,” Laney said, genuinely shocked at his speech.

            They stood there silently for a few seconds as both thought of what to say. Laney kicked at the step, scuffing the toe of the shoes Gertie had given her.

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