Why be friends?(Nash Grier and Matthew Espinosa)

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**Ariana's P.O.V.***

"Ariana get down here, go get your brother from Nash's house!"my mom said
"Ok mom!!"
Yes my brother is the Cameron Dallas. I am Ariana Dallas. I had the most hugest crush on Nash since the day I met him. But he will never like me back. I took a very quick shower put on my blue crop top, my blue shorts and my baby blue vans. I head over to Nash's to pick up Cameron.
***Nash's P.O.V.****
I hear the doorbell ring. I go to the door and open it. There she was wearing all blue, colored eyes, brunette, with her fragile body.
'Nash' 'Nash' "NASH"
"Oh sorry I just can't stop looking at those beautiful girl standing in front of my door." I said as she blushed
"Aww thank you Nashy Boo" she said as she kissed my cheek realizing that I was standing there looking like a idiot staring at her perfection.
***Cameron's P.O.V.***
"Mom said she wants you home cammy bwear" my sister said in her baby voice
"Ok I'll be out in a minute."
"Kay bye Nashy Boo see you later" I heard Ariana say as I grabbed my phone from Nash's room.
"Later Nashy Boo" I said as I winked at Nash knowing he was already blushing
***Ariana's P.O.V.***
I was already blasting my music when Cameron came out of 'His' house. Cameron asked me if I had feeling for Nash as he turned down the volume. I couldn't lie to my brother I hate the fact that I can't. I said "yes" Why did I just tell him that?!?!?!?!

Why be friends?(Nash Grier and Matthew Espinosa)Where stories live. Discover now