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                                                              ****Nash's P.O.V.****

Ariana and me went to the par after the accident. We only went for awhile beacuse we had to start packing for Magcon. 

"Hey Nash, what's bothering you?"

"Oh nothing just thinking about stuff"

"What kind of stuff" she said with a smile

"I was thinking about us" I started blushing

"Well I do too you know"

"Ariana we have only known each other ever since I met you i knew you were the one I wanted to be with. Ariana will you be my girlfriend?"

"Oh my gosh yes Nash I will" I hugged her as tight as i could i was so happy she said yes. I dont know what I would've done if she said no.

                                                           ******Ariana's P.O.V.******

I could not stop smiling. Nash just asked me out. I can't be any happier. After I got home I packed up and helped Cameron pack up because he had the most biggest problem with that. 

                            ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~In the car~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"So you and Nash" he said with a wink. He promised never to argue with me and my relationship. Could this day get any better?

"What about it?"

"You know what I'm talking about Aria. Are you two going out?"


"That's cool my bestfriend and my sister!" He sounded so happy

Why be friends?(Nash Grier and Matthew Espinosa)Where stories live. Discover now