Magcon Pt 2

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~~Still In Limo~~Ariana's P.O.V.~~

Shit. I'm Screwed when all thee boys find out. How is Cameron going to react? Most importantly Matthew. 

"Lets go to the mall we still have 4 hours!"


"Boys go their own way. Girls go the other way."

"Uhmm me and Chris are going to have our own day if that's okay" Mikayla spoke up

"Yeah that's fine"

~~At Mall~~

"Okay meet you guys here at 2:30"

"Yes Mam!" Matthew said in a soldiery voice. Zayum that boy is hot. 

**Walking Different Ways**

"Okay girls we need to go to the pharmacy"


"I might kinda sorta be pregnant"

"Oooh Girl Cameron Is going to whoop your ass if you are"

"Paris Stop being mean"

"Have you told Matt?"


"Then what are you waiting for?"

"I don't know"

~~4 hours Later~~In Limo~~

Crap. Crap. Crappy Crap Crap. CRAP A BILLION TIMES

"So Ariana anything you wanna tell us" I gave Isabelle a death Stare

"N-no" Shit 

"Whaatt is going one here?" Mikayla was so confused . Paris whispered something in her ear and then she gasped.

"What the hell is going on?"

"impregnant" I said it under my breath 



"Honey they are gonna find out some how soon"

"I am...'

"Are..." oohh shitt Cameron looks pissed. 

I'm not telling them. I only am telling Matt. So i whispered it in his ear. 

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah" I looked down.

"Everything is going to be fine. Ill be with you forever no matter what"


"Shut Up Isabelle"

"Love you too" She Blew a Kiss at me

~~At Magcon~~

Some one pulled me to the side. I got a mini heart attack to see who it was. Shit. Cameron

"You scared me"

"What the hell is happening?"

"Nothing Cameron. Now leave me alone"


"Cameron Alexander Dallas STOP IT"

"Tell what happened"

"You will find out later" 

A/N: SORREH THIS CHAPTER IS SHORT ): Im going to update on Friday yes i know i know this was supposed to be sad but yeah NO. 

Thanks for all the read LUBB YOUU (:

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