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     I could hardly ever sleep. It wasn't the fact I had insomnia, or needed someone to lay with me... I just couldn't sleep. It was something I dealt with day by day, and I didn't let it bother me. I lived off caffeinated drinks to keep me awake through university every day, and I was so close to graduating. I could almost taste it.

     Throughout my years in uni, every morning, I'd wake up in my dorm room to find my roommate with a different girl in his bed. I always had to wear headphones to bed as this was a reoccurring sex dungeon for this first year student. His name was Dan. Even being a first year, he always got more girls than me, whilst I was the one keeping my priorities in check. He had his priorities set on sex and alcohol, and his girlfriend, Stacey, whom he had been dating for a year.

    "Phiiiiiiil.... PHIIIIL!" He groaned. "I'm hungry..."

    "I'm finishing my homework, like you should've done.." I sassed. "I'm not going to let you fail me. You know how to cook... so go cook.."

    "We have nothing to eat.." Dan said, rummaging through cupboards. "Why do you have a camera out?"

    "Dan! Don't touch that.." I said, throwing my books to my side, running at him. "That's the most expensive thing I own..."

    "Seriously?" He laughed. This kid was terribly inappropriate and immature just the same, and at times, I'd send him on a wild goose chase just to get rid of him for a bit. I didn't necessarily like tricking him, but he needed to grow up. "Whatever.." Dan said. "I'll go run into town for food. Text me the list?"

    "It's already sent.." I said, and he checked his phone. "Make sure to get everything on there... We haven't been back to the market in over a week.."


     Whilst he was away, I filmed a few videos for my YouTube channel, AmazingPhil. He came back rather quickly, shocking me.

"Got everything?" I asked, as he sat the bags down.

"Yeah... I just got a text.." Dan groaned.

"From?" I asked.

"Stacey. She broke up with me."

"Really? I thought she was in love with you.." I said. "What happened?"

"Well..." He said. "I've been with her for a year. After a year, a lot of girls want more.... more.... and since we're both in uni, she said it's either I let her sleepover.."

"But she did every night..."

"We never had sex!" Dan snapped at me. "I told you to put those headphones on.... so you wouldn't hear anything.. but the most that happened was fighting.."

"I'm so sorry..." I said. "I kind of just... figured you were sleeping with her and everything was fine..." Dan stayed quiet, trying not to cry. "Dan?"

"I wanted to have sex, and she said no. I asked her why.. and she said I was being ridiculous... thinking I was going to propose after a year.." Dan cried. "I told her it wasn't the right time to propose, and she rolled her eyes. She told me she couldn't deal with me, 'only wanting sex' and left me through a text this morning... This all happened last night..."

"I'm sorry..." I gave him a hug. For once, I actually felt good about myself, but I felt bad that he was so upset. I held him in my arms as he cried into my shoulder. "Are you going to be okay?"

"Yeah.." He said, wiping his eyes. "I kind of had my eye on someone else already.." He smirked. I offered to make dinner for us whilst Dan laid down on his bed. He ended up falling asleep, so I let him sleep for a bit before giving him his food.

"Here, Dan..." I gave in his plate. He smiled, taking it from me. "Sleep well?"

    "Sorta.." Dan blushed. "I would've slept better if I had someone to lay with..."

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