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Frimzy's Pov
I grab lily, i pull her into my arms, and with Emma's help. We take her to the hospital.. we are in the waiting room.. for 5 hours.. praying..

Lily's Pov
I wake up, hooked up to machine's.. and an iv in me, something down my throat.. i cant speak. I cant breathe right.. i some how find the emergency button, push it.. i start to freak out.. im shaking., i start to black out.. then a nurse comes in.. she see's wats going on.. she tried to help me.. but cant, she calls the doctor..

I wake up, they tell me wat happened...It seems like i fainted, hit my head hard.. i have to have medicine every few hours, i have to go  physically rehab.. i cant believe it.. i write down, may I see my friends? They say yes..

Frimzy & Emma
Frimzy's Pov.

They doctor comes out, and say you both can go see lily, she's awake, and waiting to talk to you..
Frimzy _ Emma, you can go first.. I'm going to do something first.. i say softly, kinda sad.. I'm not in a mood to fight with Emma.. i look at Emma say.
Tell lily I'm be back tomorrow..
I Smile. Then Leave...

He seems sad for a reason??

Emma _ uh? Whats going on with Frimzy ? He always fights with me over lily? Not today.. she is both our friend.. so i say, oh ok frimzy.. thank you. I give him a hug, and then he leaves..

Lily's Pov
Im still waiting for somebody to come in... i hear a light knock, still not able to talk, .... Emma, comes in.. i dont look at her, im looking outside the hospital window...
I'm shaking, there are no blankets..  I'm closing my eyes..

Emma_ i walk in, i see lily sitting there, stuff down her throat, iv in her arm, she is shaking, not looking at me.. she must be super embarrassed...  I slowly walk to her bedside, i sit down, and i just look at her, and i grab her hands, i slowly say, hello lily... it's Emma.. i say softly, with a small 🙂. I can feel her shaking.. and tears coming down her cheeks.. i give her a blanket❤️❤️..i just say if you want me to go, il go.. as i get up.. i feel lily grab my hands back.. pulling me back.. i look up, and she isn't looking at me, but i know she wants me to stay.. i just smile, sit down.. 🙂

Lily _ i hear Emma walk in, im not looking at her, i feel her grab my hands, and i hear Emma say.. if you want me to go il go.. i didnt want to be alone..  so just as she was leaving, I grabbed her hands, pulling her back.. not wanting her to leave me.. i need somebody to be around ...

Emma _ hey lily i got you something.. some 🌹🌹. Hands them to her, i cupp her face, give her a kiss on the cheeks.. i see her blushing.. so cute... i think she is adorable..

The doctor comes in, and says they gunna pull out the thing in my mouth.. so the nurse comes in & Ask Emma to leave, but i start to shake my head.. i didnt want Emma to leave.. sensing that im upset by that.. the doctor says... oh ok.. he turns to Emma..

Doctor _ plzs take her hand.. its gunna be hard for us to take it out, if she's moving around.. its gunna hurt, and we have to take our time...
Emma _ oh ok.. sure thing. I walk over to Lily's bedside again, and i hold her hand.. and i start to feel her shaking again.. i look into her eyes, and i mouth "its ok.. Lily, I'm Here.." she looks back.. nods.

Doctor _ ok everyone ready? The nurse is helping the doctor, the doctor says in 3,2,1... here we go.. they slowly take it out of Lily's mouth..

Emma _ lily your doing good, keep breathing, in n out. Im here, im not going anywhere.. i feel lily shaking, she squeezing my hands hard, i know its hurting her, i just keep saying.. lily, its ok im here.. kiss her hand.. 💋

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