Team Bonding. Kind of.

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"Left foot, red" Coran called to Lance. He groaned.
"Oh come on, do I look like I can reach all the way over there?"
The intergalactic twister mat was massive. If Lance wanted to reach all the way over to the other end, he would have to double in size. An odd predicament.
"Want me to help?" Keith grabbed his bayard and fabricated his sword teasingly.
"NO NO IM FINE I JUST GOTTA-" Lance flopped onto his face while attempting the impossible stretch. The dining hall echoed with paladin laughter. It was the only time they could have real fun like this, since princess Allura was busy having some girl time with Pidge. Since her "coming out" as female, Allura had felt pity. She didn't believe that Pidge should feel like she had to be like a boy. So this was her therapy, in a way. Helping her channel her inner femininity.
"Mom didn't like me wearing makeup."
"Well I'm your space mom now and I say it's fine." Allura giggled as she drew a thin stroke of eyeliner along Pidge's top lashes.
"Mom or sister?" Pidge wondered aloud.
"Perhaps a sister. Whatever you want me to be to you."
"I like sister."
"Well that means I have to hound you about Mr Shiro~"
It was no secret among the two that they both felt extreme attraction towards the eldest Paladin.
"Hey. I have an excuse. He. Is. Eye candy." Pidge argued dreamily. After the first few slumber parties and Altean style spa days, Pidge was getting back into her lady element.
"I don't know. Maybe he isn't into small chested girls like you. I'm more his type." Allura teased. Pidge felt her face grow hot.
"Hey, mine are decent for a 14 year old, you know what it took to bind these suckers!?"
Allura laughed.
"What do you say we go peek in on the boys, Pidge?"
"Yeah whatever. I'd like to see how Klance is advancing."
It was just a joke among them, saying Keith and Lance would be romantically involved with each other. As soon as their door opened, they heard the two shouting at each other.
"Alright, alright, just let me-"
Pidge glanced at Allura then ran down the hall when she heard a loud thud and laughter. Peeking around the corner, she bit back a laugh.
The perfect couple we're tangled on the floor in a heap of limbs, helplessly squirming. Lance whined.
"I told you we should've played Mario Kart instead."
Note: just FYI I'm only in season one so I'm just going off what I know (And hope, in the case of Matt and Commander Holt's whereabouts and well-being)
I was gonna wait till I finished season two but then I said screw it I can't wait that long.

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