Gone Under

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Shiro awoke to rhythmic electronic beeping. He kept his eyelids heavy and inhaled the sterile hospital scent. He was sitting next to a bed, holding a small hand. A cold one.
The rapid acceleration of the beeping made him sit straight and open his eyes. He looked at Pidge. She looked awful. She was pale, her hair messy, an oxygen mask strapped to her face and IV's and machines hooked up to her frail body.
When did this happen? What happened? Blood stained the bandages around her waist, and a light shone down on her. The door opened and a team of surgeons entered the cold room. Shiro's heart stopped momentarily.
"Sir, you have to leave."
What, no!
"Take him outside, Doctor Blue."
He couldn't speak. Just sit there in shock. Where was he? What happened to Pidge?
He managed to utter a single word as a female surgeon practically dragged him away from the young lady. He cried out as their hands slipped away from each other.
"Katie..." He whined, feeling weak and helpless.
Shiro woke in a cold sweat, his head jerked up and his eyes bolted open. It was dark. And quiet. And he was clutching a small warm hand. Pidge sat upright in her bed, looking down at him.
He sighed shakily. She's fine. He tried to smile for her.
"I'm okay. It was just a dream."
"What was it?"
"It was weird. It could never happen. There was just a bunch of goofy alien things and they turned all creepy. It's hard to explain."
"I have a feeling creepy aliens wouldn't make you cry my birth name in the night."
Shiro stilled. He wouldn't tell her. If he did, it would make it feel so much more real.
"It's nothing."
Pidge stared him in the eye but shrugged.
"You'll tell me someday. Come on. It's not time to wake up yet, you need your sleep. Maybe letting you sleep on the floor was a bad idea. Get up here. I'm cold without my extra blanket anyway."
After a moment of Shiro hesitating, Pidge tugged on his arm, and he crawled up next to her. She threw her covers over them both and turned away from him. Shiro watched her for a moment.
They both suddenly flinched. It was Lance's voice. He sounded hurt as he cried. Pidge jumped over Shiro and ran out of her room, Shiro followed her in long strides. It was coming from the training room. Pidge froze. The shouts were molding into words.
"Keith, slow down!"
Pidge glanced at Shiro.
"No we don't have all night, if anyone finds us, who knows what will happen."
"It can't be-" Lance was interrupted. He groaned in pain. "Keith! Wait a second gimme a break that hurts!"
Pidge opened the door a crack, just to check. She was expecting something good.
Keith hit Lance with his bayard. Both boys were in full armor, dueling. They weren't supposed to duel due to an incident between Pidge and Hunk during a duel.
Pidge was slightly disappointed. She slipped into the training room and watched for a moment, leaning on the wall. Lance shot at Keith, who ran past Pidge.
"Nice going, Sharpshooter." Pidge teased. A startled Lance squealed, sounds around and shot at the small girl. She yelped and ducked. The shot burned the wall behind her. She stood straight.
"What the hell, Lance, you could've killed me!"
"Uh... Sorry Pidge. I was... Trying to, hit... Keith?"
"That excuse worked with the squishy asteroid fight, but it won't work now."
The red bayard came down on Lance's helmeted head, and he fell forward.
"Go to bed, kids, Allura won't like you two duelling." Shiro muttered. Pidge's heart stung. Is that how he saw her? Just a kid? She turned and walked back to her room, shutting the door before Shiro got to her.
There was a knock on her door.
"Who is it." She grumbled.
"It's Shiro."
"What do you want?"
"I wanted to make sure you're okay... Do you still want me to stay with you tonight?"
The hint or hurt in his voice made Pidge turn to look at the door. She stood, opened it, and stared Shiro in the eye. Then she spoke.
"Cuddle me, asshole."

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