Bad Dreams

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Shiro had been having sleepless nights for a week or so. He would wander the hallways, just to memorize every inch of the castle in case of emergencies.
An opening door stopped him in his tracks.
She walked out of her room in short shorts and a loose tank top. Her hair was messy and she had left her glasses on the bedside table. Her bare feet pattered softly on the floor as she made her way to the lab. She seemed upset.
Shiro followed the small paladin and stopped at the door of the lab. He just watched her. She just stood there. So he stepped in.
Pidge jumped and gasped.
"Sorry. I didn't mean to scare you. Are you okay?"
Pidge nodded.
"Nope. Something is wrong." He touched her shoulder lightly. "Nightmare?"
Pidge nodded again.
"I was..." She began. "I was hacking. Like I normally do. But. I was in a totally different ship. I was in a cell and was- I was hacking into our databases."
Shiro hid his slight surprise. Ever since the five of them arrived at the castle, they had started having prophetic dreams.
"I was hacking into Voltron data... Shiro, I don't want that to happen. I was on a Galra ship, do you think I was working with them?"
"Pidge, you aren't the kind of person to do that. Maybe it's just a normal dream."
"I don't know, Shiro. It felt so real..." She whined. The last thing she wanted to do was go against her best friends in literally the entire universe. Just the thought of it made her eyes well up with tears as she lunged forward and threw her arms around Shiro's waist.
Shiro glanced down at the crying paladin. To see her so weak in the moment made his heart ache. He gently stroked her hair with one hand and pressed the other into her back, pulling her closer.
"It'll be okay, Katie. I'll do everything in my power to protect team Voltron. Including you."
"Thank you, Shiro..." She muttered into his shirt, which was now dampened by her tears.
"We should both get some sleep. Want me to walk you back to your room?"
"Can you...? And- can you stay... Until I fall asleep...?"
A romantic advance, or her just needing comfort, neither were sure. Either way, Shiro patted her back and gave her a slight nudge in the direction of her bedroom. Their footsteps echoed softly in the halls until they stopped to open her door.
He followed her in, dropped a pillow beside her bed and sat on it as she crawled under her covers, dropping an extra blanket down to cover him. He leaned sideways against her bed and held her hand, gently rubbing her palm with his thumb until they both fell asleep.

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