
22 1 1

"Pidge. Katie. Wake up."
Pidge stirred in her sleep. Warm hands gently touched her face and shoulders.
"Katie. I have something for you."
"Mmm..." Her eyes fluttered open to see Shiro smiling down at her. She stretched, groaning in the delight coming from the stretching of her achy muscles.
"Morning, Shiro..."
"Good morning, little bird."
"Bird? Where did that come from?"
"Oh. Well. You are very much like a bird. On earth you were caged up but now..."
"It's cause of Pigeons isn't it?"
"And Pidgey. Pokemon. That sort of thing. But there is deeper meaning than that, I promise."
Shiro grabbed her hands. When she refused to get up, he leaned over her, wrapped his arms around her small frame, and carried her up into his arms.
"Pidge. You really should be more enthusiastic about this. It's your birthday. You're officially an adult now."
"I'm 18 today?"
"Well, our method of counting days is flawed, but... According to our rough calculations, yes."
"Am I 18 on earth?"
"You're probably still 14 or 15"
He brought her to the dining hall. The paladins and Alteans waited for them. All wearing green. Pidge smiled as Shiro set her down into the head seat of the table. Coran brought forward a plate with a silver cover.
"Bon appetit, Pidge."
The other paladins were already waiting to eat their own breakfast. Except Hunk, who snuck a biscuit into his mouth.
Pidge lifted the lid of the platter, but instead of food, there was something with a cloth laid over it. She looked at Shiro with a curious expression. He just nodded. She delicately took the cloth, and gasped.
"We figured you could fix him." Hunk said through a mouthful of bread.
"Where did you find him!?"
Shiro put a hand on her shoulder.
"He got swept up into one of the exhaust vents and got stuck when he fell into the turbine."
"Shiro found him for you." Allura chimed in. "He felt bad for you when you had your nightmare, and he wanted Rover to be there to watch over you at night."
Pidge laughed tearfully and jumped from her seat, throwing her arms around Shiro's neck and crying happily into his shoulder.
"Thank you Shiro"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27, 2017 ⏰

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