Welcome, Ryoutei Academy!

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The Mane 7 were at Sugarcube Corner, explaining to Twilight Sparkle what The Versus Games are. It took awhile, but eventually, they finished explaining what the event was about.
"Wow, but isn't't that dangerous?" asked Twilight, then took a sip of her drink.
"That's the thing," said Sunset Shimmer.
"In order to compete in The Versus Games, you'd have to be trained first."
"Yeah, but most of us are pretty good already." said Rainbow Dash, pointing at herself.
"Anyways, tomorrow's the big day, huh?" said Twilight.
"Yep, I'm really excited, but also about nervous at the same time." said Pinkie Pie dipping a big spoon full of ice cream
"I'm nervous-cited!"
"Youuuuu do realize that's still not a real word, right?" Interrogated Rarity.
Twilight noticed Sunset staring off into space again. She knew something was wrong.
"Woah! look at the time! well, I got to go for a soccer practice. Later!" Declared Rainbow Dash
"Bye!" said everyone in unison.
"Well, we should get going to."
Everyone got up and left, except for Sunset Shimmer and Twilight Sparkle.
Twilight took the chance to talk to Sunset.
"Um... Sunset, are you okay?"
"Hmm? Oh! yeah, I'm good, thanks."
Twilight looked at Sunset confused. Why wouldn't she tell her what's wrong?
"You know, I think I'll go home too. I'd let you stay with me but-"
"Remember the battle of the bands? Remember when the Sirens were about to defeat us? Do you know why we didn't lose?"
"Because you told us how felt, you knew what was happening. Because of you, because you told us everything, your feelings, your opinions, we were able to defeat the sirens once and for all. That's why whenever you have something in your heart that you want to share, you can share it with me, and our friends."
Twilight put her hand on Sunset's shoulder. She smiled, and so did Twilight.
"Alright, tell me. What's wrong?"
"You know those guys I mentioned earlier?"
"Well, I think they have something to do with The Versus Games. But I can't put my finger on it."
"Do they look like regular students from CHS?"
"Not one bit."
"Well then, you are meeting everyone tomorrow, why not wait till tomorrow?!"
"Okay, sounds like a plan!"
"Alright, we shall start our grand mission, tomorrow."

It was finally the day, The Mane 7 were about to meet the students from Ryoutei Academy. Sunset Shimmer was most nervous about how things are going to turn out.
When the gang arrived at school, they heard the morning announcements start.
"Good Morning, CHS," Said Principle Celestia on the announcements.
"Just a reminder that today is the day that the students from Ryoutei academy come to CHS for The Versus Games, Students that are competing in the event may be dismissed from their classes to the gymnasium, such as Sunset Shimmer, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, Rarity, Applejack, and our CHS host, Twilight Sparkle. That's it for the morning announcements, thank you for listening CHS."
Everyone stared at Twilight.
"How did you-"
Twilight interrupted Sunset Shimmer
"I asked Principle Celestia and she was cool with it."
"Wow... Okay then! Let's gooooooo!!!!!!!" said Pinkie as she walked forward
Everyone else followed her.
When they arrived in front of the gym door, Sunset opened it and saw the gym decorated nicely (Thank you Pinkie Pie!) and only a few of the Ryoutei Academy students.
They weren't competing, but they won awards such as honesty, confidence, etc.
"They aren't here yet." thought Sunset Shimmer.
"Oh! I think I forgot my phone," said Fluttershy.
"I'm going to go get it, see you girls later!"
"Alright!" said Twilight.
"Well, I'm gonna have some punch." said Rainbow Dash
"ME TOO!" exclaimed Pinkie Pie
Twilight turned to Sunset.
She whispered "Do you see them anywhere?"
"No, not yet" she replied.
After a few seconds, Sunset noticed a girl that was also from Ryoutei Academy. She had White-Blond hair and reddish, pinkish eyes and she looked very cute in her uniform.
"I'll be right back." Declared Sunset.
She walked over to the girl and spoke
"Hey there!"
The girl looked at her confused. She pointed at herself and lip said "Me?" Sunset nodded. The approached Sunset.
"My name is Sunset Shimmer. Nice to meet you!" she held out her hand waiting for the girl to handshake with her.
"Um, Hi. My name is Yui Komori."
"What a nice name!"
Twilight looked at the two girls and realized what Sunset's trying to do.
"Ahhh, I see, using her to find out where the competitors are. Clever."
"So I was just wondering," continued Sunset Shimmer.
"By any chance, do you know three guys that go to the same school as you that may or may not be competing in The Versus Games?"
"Actually, I know all six players!"
"If it's no trouble, can you tell where they are?"
"Sorry, I don't know. Why? If your another fangirl, I'm afraid they wouldn't want to see you."
"Well, one of-" Sunset Paused for a moment.
"Fangirl? What do you mean?" She Interrogated.
"Well, knowing that they are good-looking, a lot of girls really admire them."
Yui was surprised to see Sunset's reaction.
"You've met them before?"
"Only three of them. One of them holds a teddy bear, which by the way I am really concerned about, one had red hair and one had a hat on."
"Oh, so you've met Kanato-kun, Ayato-kun and Laito-kun?
"The who, what, when, why, now?"
Suddenly, The two girls heard a scream. It didn't sound like an 'I'm in trouble' scream, it sounded more like a fangirl scream.
Yui sighed. "Speak of the Devil."
"AHHHHH IT'S THEM, AHHHHHHHH" Exclaimed a Fangirl.
Everyone including the Mane 7 turned to the left side of the room. They saw 5 guys that practically looked like men. There were the three guys from earlier that Sunset met, and one guy that had white hair and his uniform looked a bit ruined, and one guy that wore glasses, gloves and his hair was a mixed colour of indigo and purple.
"Umm... who are they exactly?" asked Rainbow Dash.
"If you ask me, they look way too old." said Rarity
"You kidding? They look like idiots!" Declared Applejack
"Is that them?" asked Sunset Shimmer to Yui Komori.
"It is, they're competing."
"Who's the guy's name with the hat, again?"
"His name is Laito. Laito Sakamaki."
Sunset looked over to this, 'Laito' guy. She turned to Twilight and walked over to her she looked back tom Yui. "Thanks again, Friend!" For some reason, Yui's eyes widened at the fact she was called 'Friend'. She then smiled at the comment. "Nice to meet you to, Sunset!" she waved.

"This isn't gonna end well."

The Versus Games (MLP: EG and Diabolik Lovers)Where stories live. Discover now