Rainbow Dash vs Ayato

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Author's Note: HELLS YEAH! AYATO VS DASHIE!! THIS IS GONNA BE AWESOME!! And yes, I did make the photo above ☝️☝️☝️ BTW, I wanna remind everyone that this is not a romance. Anyways, ENJOY!! 😜😜


The first battle is up, Rainbow Dash of CHS VS Ayato Sakamaki of RA. Were they worried? Of course not! These guys have way to much self-confidence (and ego 😗) it's gonna be tough to decide who's gonna win. They were both stretching, getting their a-game on. Of course, they had to start fighting when the horn sounded. The time on the clock blinked 2min and 35sec left.

"Oi!" Called out Ayato. Rainbow Dash raised her head up to look at Ayato.
"...What's up?" She asked
"Where did you get those stupid hair extensions from?"
"Stupid!?" She thought. "Uh, this is my natural hair colour."
"Hah?! No way that's possible! You'd probably been putting something weird in your hair that made it look like that! Or you were dared to."
"Hey! Who you do think you are?!"
"Me? Oh, I'm just a better looking person than you. 'Rainbow Sherbet'.
Dash gasped. Her face looked angered.
"Says the guy who has nothing better to do than hang with his brothers, 'CAUSE HE HAS NO FRIENDS!!"
"Like you do?!"
They were both steamed up. Right when they finished their argument, the timer was at 5sec. They were both positioned and ready. 3, 2,-

AND BAM! Both their weapons were clinging to each other. Both faces, raged for battle. Rainbow's weapon was  a light blue gun that could turn into a 50cm knife. Ayato's was a sword with a red handle. They both flew back (because Ayato's a vampire and Rainbow Dash was transformed into the weird pony human thing) and stood on the ground. Rainbow Dash ran  straight towards him. She transformed her gun into a knife and tried to aim for his "life force". Unfortunately, she missed :p. Ayato gave a smirk and aimed for her's as well. Since one of Dash's powers is speed, she dived the sword and both their weapons were clinging. They looked in each other's eyes, furious. Ayato stepped and so did Rainbow. They both took a pause, waited for whom would strike first. Rainbow decides too. Their weapons were clinging again. Dash transformed her knife back to a gun.

"If I break his sword, then there's a better chance that I can destroy his life force!" She thought. She tried just that. She tried shooting his sword. But he... sliced the bullets?? Rainbow Dash put a shocked expression on her face. But that wasn't gonna stop her. Until-

"Ugh, this is getting real boring." Said Ayato.
"Let's make this a little more interesting." He then but his hand and drips of blood was spilling out. His fangs were showing. Rainbow Dash suddenly noticed,
"He's a vampire?! Cool!" She thought. He put drops of blood on his sword, and what happened next made Rainbow's eyes go wide. He had wings that looked similar to a vampire's (cause hello?! That's what he is) pop out of his back. He smirked.
"Much better." He said with a sigh

All Rainbow Dash could do was hang her jaw out. Ayato took no hesitation as he teleported behind her. She gasped and duck as quickly as she can as the sword swung. She gave a "Ha!" at Ayato. He didn't like that.

"Heh, you think your pretty clever, don't ya?" His eyes glared red which made Rainbow gulp. His hands glowed red as he put in into a fist. He punched Raimbow in the stomach which made her fall to the ground. She coughed harshly. Ayato gave his smirk again.

"If you think you can defeat Yours Truly, then you must be an idiot."
Rainbow Dash's expression was an upsetting one. She tried to get up, but she was that beaten down. She tried to reach for her weapon, but Ayato kicked it away. Rainbow Dash had a death glare on her face.
"I'm not gonna let you win, 'Green Eyes'!"

Ayato changed his expression from a smirk to angry. He hates it when people mention the colour of his eyes. He gripped the collar of her outfit.
"Who says you have the right to insult Yours Truly?!" He said furious.
"And who says you have the right to call me Rainbow Sherbet?!" She kicked his leg and stood up. "I don't care about what you and your opinions." "Oh yeah? you're all alone, what makes you think you can beat me?" he asked. "Not gonna lie, I can't do it on my own. But I have friends that am I not only loyal to them, but they're even more loyal to me. So that's why I'm not gonna give in. Besides, I heard rumours that you and your brothers don't even get along well."

Ayato gave a "Tch" at her response. "I think we can all agree by saying the real question is, do you think your better than me?" As soon as she finished, the metal that Principal Celestia gave her started to glow and it flew her up. Ayato's eyes widened in shock. She started to grow wings and a tail! Her outfit looked more stylish as well. She flew down so fast to the ground that she shot down as an earthquake. She stood up with a smirk. She teleported behind him as fast as lightning.

"Didn't expect that, did ya?" She said still smiling. Ayato's grew wider as she twirled and with her weapon transformed as a sword, broke his life force! The life force was no longer working. The bright, red light turned off. Rainbow jumped into the air with her fist pointed up.
"YEAH! ALRIGHT!" She said with a bright smile. The audience cheered loudly.

Raimbow won the battle! It's too bad the rest of her friends were still fighting. They would've been happy for her too. Ayato fell on is knees in depression. "Why? How could a stupid, rainbow-haired girl defeat me?" Dash heard, but she chose to ignore it.

"Good job, Dash!" Said Twilight Sparkle giving Rainbow a high-five. "Thanks. Wish the gals saw it tho. But I'm the bright side, you did!" Twilight smiled. Yui watched as the two girls were talking about the amazing battle just now. Ayato was still shook. But he got up. Yui walked over to him.
"Um Ayato-"
He grabbed her hand and said "Shut up, Pancake." With that he dragged her away. "Ouch! Ayato!" She said as they walked back into the school. Rainbow Dash and Twilight saw.

"I feel bad for her." Said Twilight.
"Why? Cause she's getting dragged away by a good-for-nothing green eyes dude?"
"Because she must be like a toy to the Sakamakis."
"Why doesn't she just kick him in the leg?"
"Maybe she's scared?"
"Of what?! You know, when we win The Versus Games, I'll find out."
"Why would you do that?"

"'Cause I wanna prove to these guys that they can't do whatever they want."

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