Who's your Partner?

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Both teams were outside for the first event. They were lined up horizontally.

"Sunset!" Exclaimed Flash Sentry, a guy that used to date Sunset. He ran towards her. Sunset noticed Flash and she walked towards him.

"Hey Flash!" She said waving towards him.

"Hey. I just wanna let you know..." he said feeling a bit awkward.

"Good luck. I have no doubt you'll lose to those guys." Sunset blushed a little at his words.

"Thanks, Flash." She replied smiling. Her friends watched and chuckled a bit.

"Right, well, um, I have to go... back- and y-yeah. Bye!"

"Bye!" Sunset turned around and noticed her friends laughing at her.

"What?!" She asked

"Awww that was adorable!" Said Rarity

"Yep... quite adorable indeed. Wouldn't u agree, Sun-Chan?"

Sunset Shimmer turned around to notice Laito was the one teasing her.

"Excuse me?" She asked with attitude.

"What? I think you two would make a great couple one day." He teased. Sunset got mad. "Hey, do you think you could do anything else besides getting into other people's business?" She asked.

"Nope." He replied. Right when Sunset was going to continue, she heard the principal's voice. "Attention, students!" Everyone turned their heads towards Principal Celestia. "We will now give you your partner assignments!" The Mane 7 looked at each other a little worried. "Alright, let's see." She said looking down at her papers.

"First off, Sunset Shimmer." Sunset felt a chill crawl up her spine. She walked towards the Principal and stood there. "You will be with..." Sunset was starting to feel a little negative. ... Laito Sakamaki!" And why was she even shocked? Her face dropped and she stared at the man with the Fedora on his head. He stood right beside Sunset and Sunset took a step aside from him. "Next off we Have Rainbow Dash." Rainbow gulped and walked forward and stopped behind Sunset. "Your with..." "Please don't be Ayato, Please don't be Ayato..."

"Ayato!" Rainbow and Ayato both froze and stared at each other with cold looks that could most likely kill. "I suppose you two know each other already?" HOW CAN THIS PRINCAPAL BE SO DAMN CLUELESS?!?

Later on, everyone was with who they didn't want to be with. It wasn't a coincidence, that's for sure. Sunset walked up to the princapal which was currently having a conversation. "Um excuse me Principal Celestia?" She said. "Yes Sunset?" "I think something wrong is going on."

"How so?"

"Don't you see? We've been partnered to fight with the Students from Ryoutei Academy we don't like! I find it strange!"

"Whatever do you mean, Sunset?" Sunset's eyes widened. "Huh?" "The leader of Team Vampires-" "Team Vampires?!" "Yes, its their team name, as I was saying, he chose the partners for you all to fight with. He said that you were all doing well so I teamed you up like this." Sunset's eyes were even wider. She saw Princapal's Celestia's eyes glow a bright green for a quick second. She recognized those emerald eyes from anywhere, Laito. She walked away and went back to the line she was in. She wasn't happy. To think that The Principal has been manipulated because of a guy like that. Sunset decided she would pay back by showing him a lesson.

A battle he had lost.

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