Gourmet Breakfast

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I was sleeping comfortably when I heard the bedroom door opening slowly, my eyes were wide open, but it was dark. I placed my hand in my bra taking out my knife. I approached the figure with full speed pinning them to the wall with a knife at their throat. I heard a grunt coming out "What the hell are you doing?" I sighed in relief, it was Sherlock.

He turned the lights on and looked at me in confusion. "Oh, damn I forgot that I'm at your place, I thought someone was sneaking up on me in MY flat" I said rubbing the back of my head sheepishly. He frowned "And how come you always have a knife at you, do you sleep with a knife under your pillow?" He said smirking at me.

"No, of course not, it was in my bra" I said placing the knife back there while I received a very weird look from Sherlock. "You're a light sleeper" He commented. I went back to my futon "Assassins tend to be light sleepers, always waiting for their attacker. You can say I only sleep very well when I'm on sleeping pills" He looked over at me.

"I presume you don't take these when you're involved in a mission" He said as if reading my thoughts. I nodded "True, it's been a while" He smirked "I hope you do not plan on attacking me every time I decide to come and sleep" I chuckled "No I'll get used to that, to be honest I haven't lived with anyone all my life. I've always lived alone so my mind didn't adjust yet" I explained when I saw him stare at me intently

"I haven't lived with anyone for a long time, until John came along of course" He said muttering the last part. It kind of felt like he understood how it felt to live alone, he understood the pain of having no one to talk to, or have dinner with or nag to. One look at me and he knew, he is the expert on deductions after all. Mr.Observer.

"Night" His voice came out as he turned the lights off and lied down on his bed. That was the first time anyone have said that to me, in years. "Night" I said as I tried to go back to sleep.

5 AM in the morning

I opened my eyes to find myself sleeping in Sherlock's bedroom, I looked over to where he was and saw him covered up sleeping peacefully. I looked over at the dresser and saw the glass, the make up the candles and everything. I smiled to myself, today we had a lot of work to do.

Christmas is just around the corner and we're going to be decorating the flat today. I sat up on my futon stretching, I put my feet down on the cold marble floor and then stood up, I was still wearing my black jeans and an oversized shirt. I never felt comfortable to change into my PJs while I'm at someone's place. Part of me still feels like a guest in the flat. But I knew sooner or later I was going to get used to it.

I took out some clothes from the closet and decided to take a shower, I headed to the bathroom and turned the water on to the coldest temperature and waited. The weather was freezing outside, it's London after all. But I loved cold showers, they woke my nerves up. I undressed myself and stepped into the shower taking my coconut scented shampoo and rinsing my hair with it.

I was done with my shower and stepped out wrapping a towel around myself when the bathroom door opened and Sherlock stepped in I gasped feeling my face get hot "SHERLOCK DON'T YOU KNOW HOW TO KNOCK" I screamed at him feeling embarassed. He was yawning and his eyes were half closed but when I started screaming he opened his eyes and looked over at me, his eyes scanning the towel and then shook his head as if realizing he was checking me out. His eyes quickly snapped to my face and a scowl was placed "Have you not heard of a thing called a door lock?" He asked annoyed. I scowled back at him "GET OUT IM IN A TOWEL" I snapped at him walking over and pushing him out the door. Ugh, he has no limits that dumbass.

I got dressed quickly and sprayed my Vanilla body spray, I got out of the bathroom and there was Sherlock leaning against the wall with his eyes closed. "Sherlock" "SHERLOCK" His eyes shot open. "You're very annoying in the morning" Sherlock muttered going into the bathroom and slamming the door behind him.

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