Chapter 10: Chemical reactions

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(WARNING!!!: This involves slight cussing!! YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!! Enjoy)

Two days have passed since Isolation has been made a puppet by what she knows, Error. "Hmm... Error ya say huh? Well... I think I know someone who can help.." Sans looked at Isolation. She had told him the whole entire story. "Hey Pays!! Me and Isolation are going out okay??" Sans yelled into the kitchen. "Ohhh!!! On a daaaattte???" Chara peeked out of hers and Frisk's bedroom. "Shut it Chara." Sans looked at Chara with narrowed eyes. "Why should I?" Chara sneered. Isolation leaped up the stairs and glared at Chara. "Uhhh!!! Okay im going back into the room bye!!" Chara slammed the door in fear. Sans looked at Isolation and put his hand out for her to grab. "Shall we go?" Sans said as Isolation grabbed his hand. "We shall. Whenever your ready." Isolation nodded and Sans teleported to the Anti-Void.

After seven minutes of walking around in the Anti-Void..

"Sans... How long have we-" Isolation was cut off by herself. The air had changed... Isolation was breathing in one of the worse weaknesses for a Equielion, Anti-Defection..(Anti-Defection is a fuse that I made up... It makes any, Shadow Caster or Dreamerean be reaallllly rude, mean, that kinda stuff... And Shadow Casters are all ready really mean... So now Isolation will be extreamly mean).. "Umm, Isolation? You okay?" Sans waved his hand out in front of her to snap her out of it... "Why the hell should I tell you?" Isolation growled and continued to walk. "Woah!! Cat got you tongue? Since when do you cuss?" Sans teleported to Isolation to keep up with her. "Again, why the hell should I tell you!!!" Isolation jumped forward to scare Sans. "Okay, okay yeash... I'll think about what I ask okay? Yeash..." Sans blinked and saw three skeletons. Two were fighting, and the smaller one was just.... talking to himself.. "I like the fighting ones. They suite me." Isolation joked. She was getting ready to fly but then something grabbed her... It was Error's blue strings.

(WARNING!!!! This is the part where the REAL cussing comes!!! YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!!)

"HEy!! PUt me THe fucK dOWn!!" Isolation snapped and tried to break free. "WoAh CaLm YoUrSeLf, I gOt A cHiLd HeRe. GoD..." Error put his hands up in defense. "I dOn'T fUcKiNg CaRe If ThIs WaS a GoDdAmN dAyCaRe FuLl Of KiDs HeRe!! NoW pUt Me ThE hElL dOwN!!" Isolation demanded. "InKy!! We HaVe ViSiToRs!! AnD wAtCh YoUr MoVeS, wE gOt A fIgHtEr!" Error yelled over to one of the other skeletons. "DaMn RiGhT iM a FiGhTeR!! Im A fUcKiNg ShAdOw CaStEr!!" Isolation glitched just like Error(God!! Im sorry about the cussing :/ uhh good thing my sister doesn't read this hehe).

"Umm, Error? Is this the new puppet?" The other skeleton calmly said to Error. "YeAh, BuT fOr SoMe ReAsOn ShEs AcTiNg AlL... rUdE.. sHe WaSn'T lIkE tHaT aLl ThE lAsT tImE I sAw HeR." Error looked at the skeleton. "Yeah Isolation normally isn't that mean. She started to act like that when we entered... here... Like when I first saw you guys she acted all weird..." Sans added"StUpId FuCkInG aNtI-dEfEcTiOn..." Isolation growled to herself. "Well im Ink-" The skeleton cut himself off. "Isolation? What did you just say?" Ink turned around to look at her. "I wAsN't TaLkInG tO sO mInD yOuR gOdDaMn BuSiNeSs." Isolation smirked.

Error tightened the strings enough to almost allow no air for Isolation. "AnTi-DeFeCtIoN!! I sAiD aNtI-dEfEcTiOn!!!" Isolation screamed trying to breath. "GoOg GiRl..." Error whispered and barly untied Isolation. "I got it!! Thats why Ioslation is being so rude!! Equielions, one of there worst weaknesses are Anti-Defection!! It's a bad fuse for them... It can... Kill them.. Oh my god!!! Get Isolation away from here!!! Sans!! To your house! I'll get Jammy!" Ink teleported to the small skeleton, put up a thumbs up, opened up a portal and jumped in. Ink was gone. Error made a portal and Sans jumped in. Error jumped in with Isolation still in his strings.

(OHHHHHHHHH!!! It's a cliff hanger :333 you'll just have to wait until next time MUWAHAHAH im so evil and um BTW I might made part eleven today who knows!! Bye Bye!!!!)

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