::SEVEN:: Special Gift

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I ALMOST DIED!! but whatever.

Enjoy Chapter Seven.


Harry: The thought of you hurts.

Harry: It really does.

Harry: I regret a lot of things I did.

Harry: I never told you about them.

Harry: Like about the girl.

Harry: You never let me explain.

Harry: But, I'll explain later.

Harry: I was looking for something.

Harry: It was a very special gift.

Harry: I found it.

Harry: I'm sorry I never got the chance to give it to you.

Harry: I'll give it to you tomorrow.

Harry: It'll be by your stone.

Harry: Love you, my love.

QOTD: What do you guys think the ring means?

Stay Strong 💋

Love You My Little Pandicorns 🐼


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