Chapter One

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I was sitting in my room watching Supernatural when I got a call from my agent and best friend Lucy. I paused the show and picked up the phone.

"Hey Luce what's up?" I asked pulling off my blankets and starting to get up for the day.

"Ok I know that you were supposed to have the next week off but there are these executives that want you to read for a series regular part for a show that they think you'll be perfect for," Lucy replied.

"What show is it?" I asked curiously while putting on my favorite leather jacket.

"It's Supernatural," she said, and before she said anything else I immediately cut her off and said," I WILL DO ANYTHING TO BE ON THAT SHOW OF COURSE I WILL READ FOR IT!"

"Ok calm down Jules, the executives want you there at three today can you make it?" She asked.

"Yeah of course just send me the address and I'll head over there at three!" I said trying to contain my excitement. I already lived in Vancouver since that is where I'm from, so the office I had to go to wasn't far.

At three I headed over to their office and when I walked in I saw Eric Kripke, Jeremy Carver, and Bob Singer, and I nearly fainted. I ran up to all of them to shake their hands, and embarrassed myself when I thanked them for making Supernatural, like who does that? Anyway they gave some sides to read for this part, even though they didn't tell me what part I was auditioning for. I thought I read them well, and apparently so did they, because they gave me the part on the spot.

"That was amazing Juliet, I think I speak for all of us when I say that you are exactly the actress we are looking for, if your interested," Eric said.

"Oh my gosh yes I would love to!!!! I'm in love with Supernatural and I promise I won't let you down!" I basically screamed at them.

"Ok so basically the premise of your character is that she is Sam and Dean's long lost sister named Gracie, and she was Ellen and John's secret child. Gracie always knew that John was her father, who she saw about twice a year until he died, but Ellen never let her near Sam and Dean when they came by fear that she would run off to go hunting with them so she spent a lot of time with Jo since they were really close. When Ellen and Jo died she went looking for them, but could never find a good lead on where they were. Now she has randomly ran into Castiel, not knowing that he knows Sam or Dean or that he is an angel, and tells him about her entire life story on a whim, and he decided to help her by bringing back Jo from the dead, and telling her the location of the bunker," Jeremy said in one long winded paragraph.

"That's amazing!! I loved Jo so much and I was a little bit upset when you killed her," this got a laugh for the group," plus I'm really excited to work with Alona!" I said with a little squeal.

"Ok we are going to give you your first script today and we know this is a lot to ask but can you be ready to film tomorrow?" Bob asked with a hopeful look.

"Yeah no problem! I'll see you all tomorrow!" I said as I excited the room. This was going to be the most fun on a set I've ever had, but I have to admit I'm a bit scared to see what Jared and Jensen have in store for me. Let's just say I won't be sleeping at all tonight!

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