Chapter Two

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I woke up really easy the next morning because I was so excited to get to set. I put on my favorite beanie and coat and made my way outside my apartment building where Lucy was waiting to take me to set. I climbed in the backseat as I usually do because I find it easier to focus on any tasks that I have to do. I was just going over my lines when Lucy said," So how excited are you to get to set?"

"I honestly don't think I've been so excited for anything in my life," I replied while laughing a little.

"Well I just hope that Jared and Jensen take it easy on you, but at least you'll have Alona to back you up," Lucy replied.

"I know I'm so excited to meet her! I love her and Jo," I said taking one last look at my sides before me pulled up at the studio.

"Well this is where I let you off, good luck!" Lucy said as we hugged goodbye. When I got out of the car Bob Singer was waiting for me to show me around, and take me to my trailer. Apparently since Alona just became a series regular too, our trailers are right next to each other, with Jensen and Jared's trailers right across from ours, which was a bit nerve wracking I guess. Everyone else's trailers were a bit farther away from ours. Next, Bob took me to meet Alona since I was really excited as he could tell.

"Hey Alona I have Juliet here and she is really excited to meet you," Bob said knocking on the door. Alona came running to the door and gave me a big hug.

"Oh my gosh I'm such a big fan of yours! I loved all your movies," Alona said as we hugged.

"You're a fan of me? I'm like your biggest fan if that's not too creepy. I was really upset when they killed you off," I said shooting a funny glance at Bob.

"Yeah so was I," she said as she laughed it off. "Bob mind if I finish this little tour, I think I remember my way around and I wanna hang out with Juliet," Alona said as we exited her trailer.

"Be my guest, but make sure when you take her to the boys, she is protected," Bob said with a wink at the end.

"Ok I'm literally being showed around my favorite show's set by one of my favorite actresses, could life get any better?" I asked as Alona linked arms with me.

"I don't know, do you count meeting Jensen and Jared a good thing or a bad thing, because it could go either way," Alona joked as we walked to their trailers. When we got there we went to Jensen's first and Alona knocked because I was way too nervous.

"Jared how many times do I have to tell you, I don't care about your new underwear...... oh hey you're not Jared," Jensen said as he opened his door.

"I don't think so at least, I hope you still know my name I only died 7 seasons ago," (this is at the start of season 12) Alona said," This is Juliet Young as I'm sure you know, she is one of my many adoring fans, yet not so much of you" Alona joked introducing me.

"She's just kidding, I love the show, I may or may not be mildly obsessed," I said reaching out to shake Jensen's hand.

"Well I may or may not be a huge fan of yours as well, so we'll call it even," Jensen said pulling me in for a hug.

"Hey are you guys really hugging without me?" Jared called off from the distance. He ran over and hugged Jensen and I, before pulling Alona in too.

"Ok, that's enough I have to get Juliet to hair and makeup, bye boys," Alona said linking arms with me once again. She then walked me to hair and makeup since I had to be on set soon, and they did her hair and makeup there as well, since my first scene was when Alona and I find the boys at the bunker. We then made our way to set, and I started to get into character as I walked over. When we got to set Jensen and Jared were there already, so we got ready to do the scene. We took about two hours to shoot this scene, and it was full of laughs and giggles since Jared and Jensen kept making me mess up. When we were done I made my way back to my trailer when I heard a knock on my door, it was Jensen.

"Hey Juliet! I just wanted to come and say that you did a great job and it's awesome to have you on set!" Jensen said popping his head in.

"Yeah it was so fun! I was surprised you guys didn't mess with me that much," I said laughing at the end.

"Oh that was just us being polite on your first day, get ready for tomorrow," he said leaving my trailer.

I sat there wondering what they had in store for me, and how great my first day on my favorite tv show was!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2017 ⏰

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