*clicks tongue* Tagged by Generel Spooder

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Okay, I was tagged my General Spooder so goddamn early in the mcfuckin' morning so here I go. Ten facts about Ferretstripe, me. Yay.

1. My name starts with A and NO IM NOT TELLING YOU WHAT IT IS

2. The first anime I watched was Sword Art Online(On TV).

3. I am not a Marvel fan but I've pretty much watched most of their movies.

4. I have become obsessed with making character aesthetics it's coccaine for your eyes.

5. The new Unicorn frappe thing from Starbucks looks artificial as fuck and I don't recommend you try it even though I've never tried it lmao.

6. I swear a lot.

7. My favourite descriptive word for eyes, is optics. It's weird but meh.

8. One time I glued my hands together with glue and stuck them together when I was like, four.

9. I like to count how many "like,"s people say in Youtube videos because it's overused as fuck.

10. I'm not a lovey dovey, sappy kind of person.


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