Chapter 24

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It's been a couple of weeks since Draco hit Harry. That means, it's already near the end of May, and Harry wasn't ready for anything anytime.

After Draco punched Harry, Harry went straight to the Hospital Wing. Madam Pomfrey confirmed Harry's broken nose. It must've been Draco's anger that was building up inside him, Harry thought. No wait! I shouldn't be defending the kid who punched me!!

"Who punched you?" Madam Pomfrey asked Harry.

"I don't remember."

"Mhmmm. Of course you don't. Let's fix up your nose! Episkey!"

Snap. Harry's nose was back to normal, but still bleeding. Madam Pomfrey gave him a rag and cleared up his bruises.

"You better get back to the dormitories and clean up."

Harry nodded and left the Hospital Wing. As soon and he got back to the Gryffindor Common Room, Ron and Hermione were questioning him about why his nose was bleeding.

"Draco punched me."

"Why??!" Hermione asked, extremely mad.

"I'm not even sure! It just happened!"

"Tell us what happened. Then, I promise Draco's gonna meet his Maker tomorrow." Ron curled his hand into a fist as he visibly became angrier.

Harry told them everything that happened that night. For the next couple of weeks, Harry didn't see Draco at all. Draco had been to all of the classes, but Harry saw no sight of him, and was thankful for that too. He didn't really want to confront Draco, he would have to confront Harry himself this time.


Harry quickly became distracted in his History of Magic class, imagining himself riding a broomstick through the clouds. A smile was glued on his face as he thought about how much more fun that would be than sitting in that boring class all day.

It seemed that class had just ended because Hermione was trying to get Harry's attention so they could leave.

"Harry!" She snapped her fingers in his face as he snapped back into reality. "Class is over!"

"Oh, uh, yeah!" Harry gathered his things and staggered out of the classroom, wishing to be flying on his broom in the Quidditch field.

Ron, Hermione, and Harry all walked through a corridor, looking pretty dang cool. Except they didn't feel very cool at all. They were all tired and officially done with the school year. Only, Hermione was still energetic about school and the schoolwork they still had to do.

Now that the exams were inching closer and the school year was getting closer and closer to ending, the teachers have been working each student down to the bone. Extremely opposite to earlier in the school year.

The three students huffed and puffed down the hallway, fast-walking to their next class. Harry walked right into someone and they both fell to the floor, groaning. Someone gasped, probably Hermione, and Ron handed his hand for Harry to use as support to get back up. Harry grabbed Ron's hand and brushed off his robes.

Harry took a quick glance at who he knocked into. He was about to say, "Sorry," but then he saw who it was. Draco.

"Watch where you're going, Potter! You might get punched again!" Draco spat at him.

Before Harry could spit back an awesome comeback, a little first year ran towards him yelling his name.

"Harry Potter! Harry Potter!" The first year boy grunted as he tripped on his shoelaces. Hermione walked over to him and helped him get up.

"Harry! Hagrid wants to talk to you as soon as possible! He said it was urgent!" The little boy was out of breath and was bending over to catch his breath.

Harry pointed over to Ron and Hermione with both of his thumbs. "Can they come too?"

The little first year squinted his eyes and shrugged his shoulders. "I guess so."

Harry turned over to look at Draco, but he was no longer there. He cursed under his breath and looked over at Ron and Hermione.

"Shall we go, then?"

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