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*Plz read A/N at the end, enjoy*

HyeRin played with her straw, twirling it around in her cup. She looked at the window and planned what kind of cake she would make for JungKook. Every time the bell on top of the cafe door signalled a customer walked in she would turn her head to check. Her eyes shifted to the folder of papers she had seated next to her.

Ring Ring Ring

Following her routine she turned her head and smiled when the person she had been waiting for appeared.

" Dr. Kim!" She called out and  waved her hand in the air to get his attention.

The doctor gave an old man-father smile and walked over. HyeRin stood up and shook his hand like a polite Korean. She offered him a seat and he took a sip of coffee which HyeRin had ordered beforehand. The doctor placed his cup down in the saucer before giving HyeRin his attention.

" Hello Mr. Kim. Sorry for giving you trouble of coming out of the hospital to meet me. I had a....uh.....bad experience with hospitals," She apologised.

Mr. Kim nodded understandingly and dismissed further detail. HyeRin opened her folder and took out a picture of TaeHyuhg, happily playing on a bike with his signature smile across on his face.

" Did you ever a treat a boy who looked like this and was filed under the name Kim Taehyung?" She asked.

The doctor pondered over the picture before shaking his head. HyeRin thought about it and nodded.

" Have you ever had a patient with no name, brownish hair and aged around 6-9?" She tried again.

" Ah! Yes there was this one young boy. I treated him and he had this rare type of amnesia," Dr. Kim replied.

HyeRin smiled at the fact and believed it was TaeHyung. The amnesia was why he didn't remember her and JungKook. She placed the picture back into the folder before taking out another. She had to confirm it.

" Did this boy ever hang around a silvery-white haired boy?" She showed him the picture of Rap Monster she had sneakily taken. She remembered that it was Rap Monster who had taken in V and he must of had some contact with Doctor Kim.

" Oh Kim Namjoon! He was such a sweet kid. He always visited his brother who was ill but they're both fine now."

Namjoon had a brother? Ha who knew. HyeRin really couldn't imagine Namjoon as a sweet kid though but when family is involved it's a whole another story. Well now she confirmed it was TaeHyung she asked about his diagnoses.

" What were the effects of the amnesia?"

" Well firstly you forget your memories of course. However, things will tend to remind you if you had a strong connection to them."

" Is there anyway to recover these memories?"

" Yes if you had a strong enough connection," HyeRin wondered what would remind V of his past life.

There were too many things and she couldn't work out what one thing it could be to remind him of everything. If her and JungKook weren't strong enough then what was? She didn't know why his parents were and his lion doll was somewhere in a landfill.

" Alright thank you for your time," HyeRin smiled at the doctor.

They both stood up and shook hands as they did when they met. The doctor walked out of the door and HyeRin was left at her table to ponder over the information she had received. She collected her belongings before heading towards he door. When it opened she knocked heads with someone, she looked up to see Dr.Kim.

" Sorry but I forgot to tell you that if he did every get his memories back it would cause him immense pain."

HyeRin titled her head to the side in confusion. What?

" Remembering things will hurt him."

A/N Hi~~ sorry, the national exams are coming up next week so i won't be updating for a whole week since i want to concentrate and study for it!! Sorry again, enjoy this chapter and when i'm back i'll do a double update!! As usual, don't skip your meals, stay safe and be happy!! Thanx bye~~


Use your smile to change the world,

don't let the world change your smile, 

no matter how much it hurts,

don't give up, smile even if it hurts,

because one day, it will be the reason you find true happiness

because one day, it will be the reminder of how strong you have gotten

because one day, it will be all it takes to get back up,

 and that day, will be the day you spread your wings!!



 very very bad at writing poetry!! sorry hehehe!!

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