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HyeRin swiftly moved from the Doctor's side to TaeHyung's. She back hugged him like he used to when he comforted her. She gave him a light poke in the cheeks and he smile.

JungKook walked back to him and gave him a kiss on the cheek as well. Taehyung's tears were long gone as the three sat on JungKook's bed and talked their heads off.

Bangtan and Dr.Kim had bid their farewells and left. The Markbam Couple was still clueless to what had happened but ended up cuddling each other for an afternoon nap.

Afternoon turned into night and the trio all slept in JungKook's room with HyeRin on the floor. TaeHyung, being the kind flower boy, offered to sleep on the floor but HyeRin, been the crazy, sassy women, threatened to shove ice down his back if he didn't sleep on a bed after so long.

HyeRin had dragged JungKook into her room to help carry her blankets to his room and also to talk to him about something. The three fell into a deep and peaceful sleep.

The next morning TaeHyung was the first to wake up until he saw that the space next to him where JungKook was suppose to be was empty.

HyeRin, however, was still dead on the fall. TaeHyung got out of bed and walked over to HyeRin. She had crazy bed hair and drool dribbled out of her mouth.

TaeHyung smiled, she was still such a kid. Taehyung's head started to throb. He walked into the bathroom and splashed some cold water onto his face.

There was a gap between the crash and now, why can't he remember what happened? He tried to forget about it and walked into the main room.

On the table was a single plate filled with scrambled eggs, crispy bacon, fresh strawberries and a glass of milk.

TaeHyung walked over and saw a little pink note. He picked it up and opened it.

'Hi Hyung, Enjoy breakfast and tell HyeRin she's not allowed to eat any!
Love Kookie'

A smile spread across Taehyung's face as he sat down and saw a white chocolate chip and macadamia cookie on the plate.

He happily ate and when he had a full stomach. HyeRin came out of JungKook's room in her school uniform, bed hair tied up in a pretty ponytail and rubbing her eyes cutely.

TaeHyung could basically predict what her next words were. " Oh! Can I have some?" She asked, hungrily eyeing the unfinished plate of food.

" Well JungKook told me not too," HyeRin's lips formed a pout," But I won't tell if you don't." Her face lit up as she devoured the remains of the plate.

TaeHyung though it was amazing that his bestfriend would always eat and eat yet never grow any fat.

Once HyeRin was finished, they packed their bags and were off to class. TaeHyung swung by his locker, of which HyeRin had to help him find, and opened it when a note fell out.

'Hyungie~ Have fun in Science (yes I know your timetable)!I've drawn a map because I know that you don't where your class is!
Love Kookie'

TaeHyung took out the map which had a peanut butter cookie stuck on it. 'This boy', TaeHyung thought and laughed to himself. Class went by in a rush and TaeHyung was oblivious to where he was meant to go for lunch but then he found another not under his desk along with an apple and oatmeal cookie.

'Hyung! HyeRin's outside the classroom and she'll take you to the cafeteria. Ask the canteen lady for the Kookie Special ;)

Your Special Kookie'

Sure enough HyeRin was leaning against the wall outside his classroom. She gave him a cute eye smile before dragging him through the school to the cafeteria.

They lined up and HyeRin grabbed a whole bunch of food like normal while TaeHyung waited until he reached the end of the line.

He asked the lady there about a Kookie Special and she gave him a tray full of food. Next to the strawberry cheesecake and walnut cookie was another note.

'TaeHyung Never eat the strawberry cheesecake here. HyeRin once got poisoned by it but I made you this one so you wouldn't^.^

TaeHyung looked at HyeRin and she looked up to meet his eyes. She tilted her head to the side asking what. He pointed to the cheesecake and HyeRin stuck out her tongue.

" I'm still alive.' She said earning an eye roll from TaeHyung. How hasn't she died yet?? School went by faster then TaeHyung could eat JungKook's cheesecake.

HyeRin had to leave him to go somewhere but gave him directions back to the dorm. When he returned to dorm AD13 he found yet another note stuck to the door with a chocolate chip cookie.

'Kim TaeHyung Don't eat the cookie just yet.Find me first, I know you'll be able to~
Kim JungKook'

'Kim JungKook?!?! Maybe it was just a spelling mistake', TaeHyung thought but he was wrong.

He aimlessly walk through the whole school and let his feet lead him wherever they wanted to go when finally he ended up deep in the school's rose garden.

He saw a certain black haired male waiting by the bridge. He ran over and shouted out JungKook's name.

The said boy turned around the smiled. He took the cookie from TaeHyung's hand and put half of it in his mouth.

Then he wrapped his arms around Taehyung's neck and smashed their lips together.

The cookie crumbled into their mouths and their shared a delicious and passionate kiss. JungKook was he first to pull away but didn't break eye contact.

" Kim TaeHyung would you be my boyfriend?" " Yes Kim JungKook." The two smiled at the joke. Cheers erupted from around them and TaeHyung saw HyeRin, Bangtan but their were four people he couldn't believe were there.

" Mrs Jeon, Mr Jeon! Mrs Choi, Mr Choi!" He exclaimed as the four parents came up to congratulate the new couple.

" Oh TaeHyung look at how handsome you have grown!"

" Take care of our son alright?"

" We'll be your parents from now on okay?"

" I always thought you two would be a lovely couple!" 

A/N hi i thought i had updated this chap yesterday but looks like i didn't, sorry about that!! So to ask forgiveness i'll do a double update😄 Anyways VKOOK FINALLY HAPPENED!!  YASS haha enjoy!! Plz leave a comment and vote thank you!! Be safe, eat your meals and be happy!!😘


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