Round One Prolouge: The Game of Idleness

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Kingdom of Idleness
Chapter 1:

I awoke that day, not to the warmth of my bed, not to the loving care of my family. But to a cold hard ground. I opened my tired eyes and was shocked at what I was seeing before my eyes. I was locked in some of kind of bedroom. Except it wasn't really a bedroom. The walls were paved in stone and the windows were replaced with iron bars. Was this some kind of prison? It gave me that kind of impression, like I was trapped here. I pulled myself off the floor, I checked my body to make sure no harm had be done to me or any hint that would tell me where the hell I am.

I saw that I still had my black jacket and white sweatshirt on, my grey pants seemed to be untouched as well. I let out a sigh of relief. I looked at my surroundings for anything strange and saw a large monitor mount on the left hand wall.

"W-Why is that here...?" I asked no one in particular. I took a closer look at the monitor and noticed a red button. I clicked it and suddenly the monitor flashed to life. And on the monitor displayed a...

Green teddy bear?

<<So! YoU'vE fiNalLy tUrnEd oN tHe MoniToR, tOoK yOu LonG eNoUgH>>

"W-What the hell!?" I cried out in shock. The sudden voice took me by surprise and I tripped over myself and fell back onto the stone floor.

<<LoOkS liKe YoU'rE a Bit clUmsY, aNywAy mY naMe is NoiTaN! AnD I aM YouR kiDnaPpeR!>>

"Y-You mean... I-I'm stuck here...?" I asked, my body froze with fear as I realized my current situation.

<<YeP ANd aS loNg you'Re HeRe yOu haVe tO pLaY A gaMe! BUt I dOn'T wAnt tO sPoiL tHe fuN juSt yEt, sO wHy dOn'T yOu tAkE tHat bAg oVer theRe?>>

I had no other choice but to listen to this green teddy bear that calls itself <<Noitan>> I noticed a blue duffel bag laying on one of the tables. I looked back at the bear and it was watching me with a curious glance. I opened the bag and saw...

"A-A knife!?" I screamed in fear. I looked back at the bear and it seemed to be laughing wildly. I took another look in the bag and noticed a blue watch and seven cubes. "W-What's all this stuff?"

<<HeHe, yOu'Ll uSe thEm oNce tHe gAme bEgiNs!>>

"Y-You keep mentioning this... Game... What is it...?" I asked curiously trying not to anger this bear.

<<HaHa, YoU aLl wIlL sEe soOn, oH! IT's fInallY tiMe!>>

The monitor soon turned off and I was left alone in my thoughts. What the hell was that bear talking about? Some game? And what are these squares? And why do I need a knife? Will... I be forced to fight to the death? No! That can't be! Before I could think any further the Bears forced doomed returned.

<<DorM roOms opEninG, plEaSe prOcEeD to sEctioN B, iF yOu fAil tO Do sO yoU Will bE eXecuTeD>>

"E-Executed!?" I spoke out in fear. Was this bear serious!? And where is this section B? I looked towards the front of the bedroom I was in and noticed the door was open. At least it wasn't lying about the door though... I took a quick peek outside the door and what I saw was a large hallway made entirely of stone. Just like my bedroom the windows were replaced by bars similar to that of a prison. Maybe this really was a prison...

"Hey, didn't you hear what Noitan said? If we don't go to B block we die" I heard a calm voice say relatively close to me. I looked up and saw a tall male standing in front of me. He had long brown hair and wore a white shirt and blue pants.

"I-I guess... B-But who are you...?" I asked starting to shake slightly. The boy looked at me and smiled.

"My name is <<Nate Konda>> nice to meet you" He said reaching out his hand. I quickly shook his hand.

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