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       I walked out the room as I rested my hands on my chest letting a deep sigh erupt from me. Closing my eyes I question myself whether or not I made the right decision. I should've atleast slept on it so I wouldn't be regretting as much as I was right now. I walked down the dimly lit hall with Jae by my side torwards the elevator.

       I got on the elevator as I felt a warm hand land on my shoulder causing me to turn my head. Turning my head I looked at Jae as he parted his lips to speak. "Congrats on signing the contract! You're gonna do well, especially sinse it's been your dream ever sinse we were kids." He smiled at me with a big smile, a reassuring and proud type of smile. A tiny smile spread across my face while a glim of hope sparked in me as the elevator came to a hault as the doors opened soon after.

       On our way out Jae went to go talk to the lady at the front desk as I kept on to my destination, to the car far away from her. Pushing the doors open as a gush of the cool air brushed against my exposing skin. Stepping outside I took a deep breath letting all my thoughts out with the sigh. A faint sent of tar tainted the air. Looking around to see where it was coming from I walked around to see where the sent was coming from. Turning the corner I see a tall boy with black raven hair that covers his face. He had milky white skin and nice fashion sense.

        I stare at him letting my eyes obsorb his presence and beauty. He turned his head towards my direction locking eyes with me as his dark brown orbs swallowed my figure. His hair infront of his face intertwined with his eyelashes and glasses. I watched as he blew out a thick grey cloud tainting the air from his parched lips. The cigarette that was between his slender fingers burned more as time went by.

       "Like the view?" He spoke with a cocky grin spread across his face taking me out of my trance that he once had me in. I quickly averted my gaze elsewhere as he kept his eyes on me. Feeling his eyes taking in his view of me I cleared my throat getting ready to let my words stumble out. Before I could speak he spoke again. "Are you new here?" I nodded my head and looked at the ground not wanting to make eye contact. He hummed in response as he dropped his cigarette on the ground beneath his feet and stepped on it.

       He began to walk torwards my direction as my body stiffened. Why is he walking so close to me? He grabbed my shoulders and turned me to face him. I looked up at him and observed his face as he brought his hand torwards my face cupping my already warming red cheeks. His hands were warm and soft causing my heart to race rapidly. "What are you doing?" I barely spoke stuttering out the worlds concerned and confused at his current action. I frowned as my body froze as he brung his face closer to mine.

       All I could do is close my eyes and hope for the best. My heart beat was so fast I could feel it in my throat as I tried to swallow it down along with the lump. My eyes squeezed shut as I waited to feel his lips on mine but nothing happened for a while. I heard him chuckle an evil teasing one as he steppped back away from me. I opened my eyes slowly to see him laughing at me. "Did you really think I was going to kiss you?" He chuckled in between his sentence causing me to blush in embarrassment and boiling pit of anger to overwhelm within me.

       "It all happened so fast I couldn't even think." I spoke pouting and angered that he played with me that easily. No boy could do what he did to me but he has a trance on me which eats away at my dignity, pride, ego and even my thoughts. "You would really kiss someone you just met?" Laughing out the whole sentence my cheeks got warmer and deepened in the shade of red. He almost suddenly but not quite stopped his fit of laughter as I felt someones arm wrap around my shoulders.

       Too scared to look up and see who it was I heard Jaes voice. "Wow Giriboy, you're already messing with my sister?" He chuckled a bit after the sentence as I sighed with relief because I was saved by my one and only brother. "Oh Jae! I didn't know she was your sister but you should teacher her not to kiss strangers and to beware of them too especially these days." He spoke with a smirk as he made eye contact with me for a moment letting his eyes linger on mine for a moment before looking back at Jae.

       "I'm pretty sure you most likely already did." He laughed out as stuck out his hand for Giriboy to shake. "It was nice seeing you Jae especially since I just got back from touring in the States." Jae smiled and wished him a fairwell as we walked to our car to leave. I felt his eyes burn holes into the back of my head as he watched my figure dissolve from his vision from afar letting his eyes swallow my silhouette.

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