I sat there,staring out my window,mesmerized by the hurt you've caused me. I couldn't move,my body was officially paralyzed;my heart on the verge of surviving.123 beat 123 beat,as I counted in my head to remind myself that I was still alive.I shut down. I witnessed out of body experience.this is what you did to me as those words struck my ears "I don't want us to be together"I thought,maybe I wasn't good enough,I didn't know what else to convince you to stay besides offering you my body,until I came to the conclusion that even that wouldn't have been enough for you.my precious jewels wouldn't have ever been enough for you.nothing is ever enough for a boy as broken as you.you were never taught to love,you were taught to take,take until they don't have anything else to offer,you were never a giver,you were a manipulator,you knew how to use your words well and at the end of each sentenced you flashed that baffling smile. You knew how to get what you wanted without forcefully taking it,you knew how to make a girl vulnerable...and here I am..stuck,froze,paralyzed...trying to remember to breathe,remember to love,thanks to you and that damn smile.