Chapter 2: Oh Tony...

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Hey guys! Hope you liked my first chapter:) Thanks for reading more:)



  "Crap!" I mummble to myself as my mascara slips and stains my right cheek. Ugh. I only have ten minutes until the morning bell and I'm completely a mess! I reach over to get a paper towel right next to the full body mirror in the girl's bathroom. I gaze at myself for a second and notice this is a realitivly good day for me. My wavy honey brown hair is cooperating in it's dozens of bobby pins, my eyes look blue next to my jeans, but my skin is still pasty and crowded with freckles.

  I run cool water over the recyclable paper towel and rub all the mascara off my cheek. I quickly do my top and bottom lashes on my right eye, then head to class. Thankfully I already dropped off my books to homeroom earlier.

  I walk swifty to my seat but my eyes can't help but look directly to the right of my seat. Where Mark sits. This year must have been the luckiest year ever because every single one of my classes are with Mark. Or maybe the princeable is just taunting me.

  I slide into my seat when the bell rings and everyone is scurrys to their seats too.

  "Good morning class! A pleasure to see you all today!" My advanced math teacher exclaims in her almost fake sounding brittish accent.

  "Good morning Ms. Madera", the class replys in their six-thirty in the morning zombie voices.

  Ms. Madera rambles on about how the pathagreum therom is great while I turn my head and star at Mark. He is so adorable when he pretends to listen. The way he nods his head everyso often and then looks down at his desk just makes me smile.

  "Macy dear, what in the world are you smiling at?" Ms. Madera says for the whole class to hear. Within two seconds the whole class is starring at me too. Even Mark.

  "Umm... I'm not sure..." I explain totally embarassed. I HATE speaking in front of the class, but explaining why I was smiling at Mark... That's a whole new level of embarassment!

  "Well please pay attention miss, this may be on our exam", Ms. Madera shoots back.

  "Yes mam", I quickly and quietly reply. I get out my notes journal and act like I'm writing down notes when I'm really just drawing hearts around Mark's name. I stare at Ms. Madera every couple sentances too, just so she believes I'm really writing down notes.

  I lose track of time as I'm doodling and soon enough the bell rings. Everyone jumps up and scurries out of the room so they aren't late to second bell. As I get up I wait for Mark to gather his stuff and leave. I can't control myself but I follow him down the hall to his locker. I already have my books for second bell so I don't have to go to my locker. I linger for a few minutes and watch Mark carefully pick all the books he needs out of his locker.

  I bite my lip because now I realize I'm starring at his butt. Even I start to think this is awkward. But then he slams his locker shut and heads down the main steps. I follow him all the way down too. We both reach second period and take our seats. The second bell rings and I'm starring at Mark... Again.


  I walk swifty to the lunch room trying to keep up with Mark. He's about three people in front of me and he's practically running now. People stare at me as I start to pass them by. Then finally, we reach the lunchroom. The loudest room in the whole school. Today is pizza friday so the whole eighth grade is excided. All except for me because I packed a lunch of a peice of cheese and a water bottle. I'm normally not that hungry anyways.

  Tony waves me over and I start walking towards him. I look at the booth he's choosen and then stop right in my tracks. Mark is sitting directly across from Tony. I shoot a look at Tony and he winks at me. Tony knows I like Mark. But what he doesn't know is that I love Mark with all my heart.

  Tony gets up and joggs over to me.

  "Aye Mace, you okay? I just got your crush to sit at our table. Aren't you glad?" Tony says as innocently as he can for a five foot nine huskey football player.

  "What the hell! I barely talk to him and he probably doesn't even know I exsist. What would I even say to him?" I panicly explain back. What was Tony thinking?

  "So your not gonna walk over ther?" Tony says shaking his head.

  "Of course not!" I say deffensively. Tony needs to get over it. He should know better. How would he feel if I got his crush to sit over there with us? Wait... Does Tony have a crush?

  "Well Mace, I guess I'll just have to do this then", Tony explains then scoops me up bridal style, picks up my brown lunch bag I dropped on the floor, and walks over to the table where Mark sits.

  I let out a little yelp and I grip the back of Tony's neck with my hands.

  "What the hell are you doing!" I mummble in his ears. Were almost to the table when I dig my french manicured nails into the back of his neck.

  Tony lets out a scream you could mistake for an elementry school little girl then throws me onto the table Mark is sitting at. I land flat on my back smack in the center of the rectangular lunch table. The whole lunchroom stops and stares at me. Then there is an uproar of laughter from every single person in the room.

  I scoot off the table and realize I landed in someone's pizza and the chessey sause mix is all up and down my back. I bite my lip as hard as I can and I feel blood streaming in my mouth. I whip around to see that I landed in Marks pizza. Then I notice Mark is laughing histarically too. I then look at Tony to see that he took off his shirt and was whiping the back of his neck free of blood my nails caused.

  I'm glad too. Because he deserved it. Everyone's still laughing so I bolt out of the room down the hall to the nurses clinic. As I'm running down the hall, tears are streaming down my face. Now this has been the most embarassing thing in my life. Mark will always remember me as the loser girl who landed in my pizza.

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