That Thing

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Ok ok ok

Here's what went down

Little background knowledge:

So everyone (my friends) pretty much knew this was going to happen

They all knew he liked me

I remember telling one of friends that I thought he liked me and she said, "boi r u dumb u just realized that?????"

So it was widely believed that he liked me

I told my one of my other friends about it and she remembered specifically that one day we were in class and he called me hot RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME

Another day I was talking to the friend who called me dumb and he was there

U want 2 know wut he did

He hugged me

And said

"I'm more gay around him"


So he was just giving me and everyone else in the room hints that he liked me

Now it's time for the event explanation of when he ask me out:

Because it was the last day of standardized testing, me and the rest of the 7th grade went outside to get some fresh air for 40 minutes.

Me and my salty butt decided to talk to him just to see what he was going to say this time. I was teasing him, basically.

When I walked over to him with two of my other friends, he looked at me with a sort of "blushing" face.

He said hi to me with a "nervous" tone.

I waved back.

Because it was awkward because we weren't talking to each other, I decided to start my teasing by jogging in place.

Idk y i jogged in place butt wutevr

After two minutes of jogging in place, he stood up out of the bench thingy that was there outside and said this,

"Can I be gay for you?"

If you didn't catch that, he basically said, "I want to be your boyfriend" to me.

Now, don't get me wrong. I do support the LGBTQ community, but I didn't want to say no to hurt his feelings because I'm being liked here and I've never been liked before, so I wanted the moment to last a little longer.

So instead, I just ran away.

And I know, that was probably the worst decision you can make when being asked out. But, my heart was beating so fast that I had to make a quick decision.

So I ran to my friends that knew he liked me and told them what had happened.

And know ship names are being made of me and him.

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