Meeting the guys

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Your POV
As you heard the knock at the door you lifted your head up and walked to the door as you opened it you saw two guys around your age.(a/n I am not going to have bill in this cause I dislike him and always have sorry if you wanted him to be in this) they looked at you like a dog does a bone which annoyed you very much. A moment later Rodrick came up behind you.

"Hey guys this is (y/n)," Rodrick introduced you all," and the blond is Chris (a/n I don't know his name sooo yeah) and the one with spikey hair is Ben."

"Hi ",you said plainly,"come in.

As they entered they looked around in awe of your place, you sat on your couch tuning your guitar as Rodrick smirked with a slight laugh towards his friends reactions to your place while he walked over to your set of drums you have.
Once his friends got themselves together the followed to were Rodrick had gone and found whatever instrument the wished to play and started talking with playing in between conversations. You had to admit when they were playing they were kinda good. You sighed as you remembered your old band. You then frowned and started playing  the last song you wrote.

(A/n the song you played was silence by Disturbed......In too lazy to make a song up so yeah)

As you played your song you just drifted off into your own world you hadn't even noticed Rodrick and his buddies stop playing and talking to watch you play. They even moved to you mini living room which was were you sat.

Rodricks POV

Chris was slightly playing the guitar he had picked up while Ben and I were talking about random topics like Heather and how this place would be perfect for a party but we all halted once we caught the sound of a remarkable song which (y/n) was playing. We couldn't help but move to the area she sat in so we could listen closer .
I mean she said she was in a band but I didn't think that they would be this good well I'd assume they we're good being how she is playing. Once she finished her song she looked​ up to see us looking at her in awe. She must have gotten embarrassed or something cause she blushed when she looked up at us. We all clapped to her and she smiled.

"Where did you learn to​ play like that,?" Ben asked .

" Um I used to be in a band ," (y/n) said frowning slightly.
I looked at her and remembered what had happened the night before and frowned also.

"Um guys , don't pry into her guys her an her band had a few," I started ," erm a few mishaps."

"Ok then ," Chris said.

Third person POV

The rest of the night we sat around laughing and having fun. Before we  noticed it it was dark out. So the guys left to get home leaving (y/n) and Rodrick alone.

Your POV

As we said our goodbyes Rodricks band left but he stayed being his mom texted saying that they were going to have dinner at our place again. So we headed in to help set up for dinner.

~Time skip brought to you by Rodricks bad spelling~

*Still your POV
As your family and the Heffelys sat down for dinner you sat next to your mom with Rodrick across from you and your brother on the other side of you every one else was sitting in the other spaces.

"So I hear your looking for a job (y/n)," Susan said

"Yeah just for the summer though," I replied ," honestly I just want a little spending money."

"Oh well the fair is hiring  and it's only a summer job so if you want I can show you where to apply," Susan said.

"Sure sounds great ,can we go tomorrow?"  I asked.

"Oh um yeah sure if you want to go tomorrow, I'm surprised your so hyped about it," Susan says with a slight laugh," every time I try to mention even considering getting a job to Rodrick he just makes up a horrible excuse as to why he can't do the job."

" Oh come on mom what do you want me to get a summer job too?" Rodrick asked.

"Sounds good son so tomorrow that's what you all are doing ,agreed"  Frank said.

"Agreed" Susan and my mom said at the same time.

Rodrick sat there with a look on his face that said ' oh no. I laughed at this and finished eating. Once I finished my mom walked up to me and said that I would be staying the night at the Heffelys so we could apply dirt thing in the morning so I went and got my stuff ready then said goodnight to my family and left with the Heffelys.

~Chapter end~

Ok guys thank you all for reading I love you all and I will update as soon as I can .

And don't forget to ask if you want me to write anything.

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