Gregs home

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You woke up to being not able to move due to Rodrick holding onto you in his sleep. And also woke up to Greg shaking you as you woke up. He looked at you then to Rodrick. " Uh what happened here ?" He wispered.

" I fell asleep and I guess he did too" you said not completely lieing to him.

" Oh ok then well I'm gunna go play video games if you need anything and mom and dad will be home soon with Manny." He said as he went downstairs.

You sighed as the door closed. Looking at Rodrick you shook him till he woke up mumbling many things. He looked at you with widened eyes" so it wasn't just a dream?" He questioned.

" No it wasn't and your parents will be home soon so if I were​ you I'd wake up and act like your doing homework with me before they get mad cause you fell asleep and accomplished nothing for the majority of the day" you said " no telling if they got a call from school or not."

"Yeah sure but does what happened count us as a couple? " He questioned.

You looked at him and said " of course it does. He smiled and hugged you. You two got to work on a essay on what happened over the summer that the teacher assigned. But you finished before his parents got home so you helped Rodrick finish then you guys went downstairs and waited his parents to get home.

" I've never finished homework that fast before" he said looking​ at you.

" Hm maybe it's cause you actually put an effort in " you said laughing slightly. Soon his parents came home and gave him permission to go over to your place so you could hang out in a quieter surrounding.

" So um mind if I ask a question" Rodrick said.

" Sure ask away" you replied.

" Is your family rich or something, cause you guys have a lot of expensive looking stuff" Rodrick asked unsure of himself.

" Well I guess you could say that I mean my dad is a trucker so he makes a good amount of money and a lot of our stuff our grandfather got us before he died  a few years ago and he was really rich cause when he was young he went to a horse race and get his pay check on a unlikely winner but he got lucky and won. So he got a good amount of money on that but he took what he won and invested it a few different products so he became a billionaire​ after that and when he died he left even amount of money to me and my siblings so we open a bank account each and that's where my money is sooo yeah." You said finishing as you took a breath in.

"So do you plan on going to college with your money?" He asked.

" Nah id rather do what my grandfather taught me to do when he was alive"you said.

"And what's that" he asked.

"(F/h) ( favorite hobby) " you said .

"Oh ok then" Rodrick said.

You guys talked more and watched a few movies then you fell asleep with your​ head on his lap and he was slouching while sitting up. Later on my mom came and woke us up he went home and I took a shower and went to bed.

- chapter end-

Anyways sorry if it was short and thanks for reading.

And has anyone ever had a dream of Devon bostick cause I did last night and it was funny cause I hadn't even thought about him lately as you could tell being I hadn't updated for a little while. Comment if you have had one.

And if your still reading this then comment your favorite thing Devon bostick played in mine would probably be The 100 which is awesome.

So if you got this far I love you all and don't forget to request any stories or if you want a specific chapter.

Oh and comment your zodic im a Aquarius

Till next tine it's your fellow fangirl~

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