What happened?

398 16 5

No prov

As the fight started Buttercup was attacked by Bash and the boys stared in horror as they fought. But Blast was the most surprised at Bash attacking Buttercup.

Blast's prov

I wait and watch as Bash attacks Buttercup, 'what the- why is Bash attacking Buttercup?'

Buttercup slices Bash's arm with her scythe but Bash didn't scream and keeps fighting as if nothing happened, 'what the hell!'

"You are a fucking cheat!" BC yells.

"Who? Me?" Blade says with a smirk.

"Yes you! That stupid fucking shape shifter snake!"

'Shapeshifter snake?'

I then look at my brothers and they looked confused too and I see Butch clench his jaw.

"You little!" She then pushes Bash to the ground and plants keep her there. Bash doesn't speak and she fights back, "stay down you imposter!"

"Why did you tie my toy down," Blade pouts. If I didn't know any better I would have guessed it was a human version of Him.

"Because I'm going to kill it after you're on the ground begging for mercy!" Buttercup yells in determination.

"I guess I have no choice then," Blade says and we all look at him confused.

"What the hell are you-" then she screams in pain.

Butch is now at attention, "what the fucking are you doing to my Butterfly." Butch roars.

"Oh I'm just giving her a present that I will be taking back very soon," he smirks. Buttercup then screams more and it's becoming torture to Butch as he slams on the glass.

Buttercup then falls to her knees and falls face first to the ground. "Buttercup!" We all scream.

She doesn't respond and Blade is smirking then starts laughing, "what the hell are you laughing at you twisted man!" I yell.

"Oh you'll see..." then we hear a groan and BC starts to move, "and speaking of her she's starting to wake up!"

Buttercup starts to get up, "where the hell am I?" She then takes in her surroundings and her eyes land on us and the box disappears and we fall to the ground, "what the fuck are you doing here!" She roars bringing out her hammer.

"I should have finished you the last time! You left us in so much pain and when you disappeared a new villain came and we were destroyed!"

"BC calm down!" Brick says quickly.

"I think she remembers us! And I think that's a bad thing!" Butch says as he walks to Buttercup, "BC we want you to calm down and let us explain..."

"Why should I!" She screams as tears run down her face.

"Butterfly..." he says and she drops her hammer and starts to fall and Butch catches her just in time. "Butterfly what happened?"

"One day we were fighting him and then he snapped his fingers and a blinding light came that's all I remember... he hurts us and destroyed our hearts that's it... I couldn't remember a thing after that..." she explains as her eyes close and she falls asleep.

What the hell just happened?

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