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Isaac left and you were in pieces, almost a month of dating and he vanished without a word. Then suddenly a ticket to France, with the words I miss you, come find me scrawled on a note along with it. So, that's what you did and now, at almost two years of dating, you were happily living together, never sure where you'd travel next.

Isaac smiled when he found you sat at the café across the street from the little apartment you'd been renting. You were sat cross legged on a metal chair, two drinks set out as if you'd known he would come out to you.

"Still writing in that?" Isaac chuckled, taking a seat next to you, leaning forward until his hand could rest on your leg.

"Like you haven't been using it, these didn't doodle themselves." You giggled, smiling when he dumped his hat on your head while leaning in to kiss you.

"You fell asleep when you were writing in it and I couldn't help myself, thought I'd add to the book." He smiled when you spotted his newest doodles of the places he'd taken you the day before. "So, I was thinking we've been here for a little while and you wanted to go to Italy."

"You really want to go?" You asked as the two of you finished your drinks and started walking to the market.

"Yeah, it'll be fun and maybe there's a surprise there." He chuckled when you looked at him curiously, the two of you buying lunch before walking through the streets, stopping by landmarks, drinking in the final day before you started planning your trip over to Italy.

"Do you think it'll fall?" You asked Isaac who chuckled as your hands linked.

"Maybe one day... hopefully not today though." He smirked when you nodded, tugging him forward as the two of you climbed the tower. "You know Chris called, has a job for me in Romania... I said I'd talk with you first but he could really use a werewolf backing him up."

"How bad is it?" you asked quickly.

"It's one of those ones where I don't tell you how bad it is and then you yell at me on the way home." He chuckled when you rolled your eyes.

"Will you be on your own again?" You hummed, smiling when you spotted the final staircase and hurried a little quicker, tugging Isaac after you.

"Nope, Chris'll be with me." He smiled, watching you take in the sight, giving him the opportunity to drink you in as you spread your arms, breeze swishing the bottom of your dress, hair rustling along with it and a happy smile spread across your face.

"Are you ok, you've gone really quiet?" You glanced at him as he nodded, fishing through his pocket.

"I um need to ask you something." He whispered, pulling you to the side that was less crowded. "Will you... marry me?" He pulled a box from his pocket and opened it to reveal a stunning ring.

"Isaac..." You whispered as he waited for an answer.

"So" He mumbled, catching you when you threw yourself at him.

"Yes!" You squealed. "I'm not even made about your hunting trip."

"So, I have to propose to you every time I get a job?" He joked as he handed you the ring so you could inspect it, kissing you sweetly before letting you dance around him in a giddy happiness.

Isaac Lahey ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now