1: The Day She Walks

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Chapter one: The Day She Walks

Song: Funhouse by Pink

(I'm listening to alot of music so whatever song is playing I put up here. I'm not sure if Funhouse has any bad words in it but it's a good song.)

Quote: The phrase "do not be afraid" is written in the bible 365 times. That's a daily reminder from God to live everyday being fearless. -Unknown

"The woods are scary. You should be neary. Don't get too close, Dangerous thorns on the rose. There's more than mountain goats, You don't know what floats."

That's what everyone says or believes. Only because werewolf's and vampire's rule the woods.

"Evangeline James!" The teacher screehed again dragging me out of my endless thoughts. This has to be like the fifth time she did this and trust me it's annoying. "Why aren't you repeating it! Now repeat after me."


"The woods are scary." She spoke loud and clear as if it ws going to change my mind up. She took a step closer to me as she tried to scare me.

"You should be neary." She took another step so she was closer to me she's not going to stop any time soon, is she?

"Don't get to close. Dangerous thorns on the rose." Wow she didn't even quote it right.

"There's more then mountain goats." She stopped once she reached my desk and leaded over so we're face to face. "You don't know what floats." Silemce filled the air as they waited for what I was going to say next. They know me so well.

"This is a joke." I delivered to them.

"Says the one born with a tattoo on her neck." Nate added causing the class to laugh. Nate is the kind of guy that needs to be knocked off the planet. He may be cute and all but that doesn't really help him.

"Screw off, Nate." I showed him my middle finger before I turned around facing the she-devil in front of me that can't stand my guts.

"Dude you just got burned. By a girl for that matter. You really need to stop that."

"Shut up!" Nate snapped. Guess someone hates being told what to do.

"Alpha Taylor and The Vampire King is not a joke." The teacher snapped as she started turning redder by the second. I love getting on people's nerves. It's really fun.

"Okay so what they're not humans. That doesn't mean you have to be scared of them. They are like us in a way."

"Keep telling yourself that. I guess we'll see who will be alive in thirty years." Can't I kill him? No one is going to miss him anyways.

"Yeah you'll be dead in about one month or so with that mouth. So I suggest you set back and shut up!"

"Wow two times already? Really dude?" Wow I thought I would never say this in a million years but I like this dude he's on my side.

"They could kill us in a second." The teacher shouted, trying to be heard.

"Exactly!" He yelled again. Doesn't he ever learn?

"So give me a knife. I can kill Nate right here, right now."

"Let's not! She'll actually do it." Nate shricked like a little girl he actually is.

"So what's the difference? They can shift into a wolf and the vampire's live forever and drink blood? Okay. They can kill? Humans do an amazing job at that. They just kill in a different way if they even kill we don't know they actually kill. Change is happening to this world. Fear will get you no where."

"They world is changing? Okay your right but werewolf's and vampire's can't just pop up." Do they really only see one side and not any other side.

"Maybe werewolf's and vampire's been here forever we just didn't notice them." I suggested. She didn't really like that very much.

"That's impossible."

"Maybe God got bored?"

"Why would God get so bored of Humans that he'll just add those things here?"

"Okay freak whatever you sa-ow" He howled like a girl jumping out of his seat and on to the ground giving me a death look.

"Over a pen? Really? Shut up and sit down. Next time it'll be a knife."

"Point is we don't know our whole earth. There could be mermaids for all we know."

"There isn't any mermaids." The teacher added rolling her eyes in the process. Finally not making my ears bleed.

"You can't tell me that. Nobody knows."

"I lived twenty-six years. There's no mermaids."

"I hate to break it to you but you don't know everything. You can be a hundred years old and still won't know everything. Does anyone know every single inch of the ocean? No they don't. So mermaids are alive until proven not."

"Mermaids aren't deadly."

"Vampire's and werewolf's aren't deadly either."

"Yes they are."

"Fine I'll solve this. I'll go into the woods and meet both kinds. Prove they aren't deadly and decide if I want to come back to this brain washed school. Bye idiots!" I added heading out the door.

"You're not going anywhere."

"And who's going to stop me? Last time I checked it's a free country."

"No let the freak go." He started again. I guess he never gives up does he?

"Nate I'm wrong. You won't last a month. You'll last ten minutes or less." I paused taking some time to turn around and looked at the class and mainly at Nate. "Maybe two minutes the rate your going."

"Well your going to be dead in about ten minutes so I won't have to worry about getting killed, now will I?" He questioned.

"We'll see about that." Flipping them but mainly nate off one more time before I left the room. "I'll be back!" I shouted more like promising everyone. I took off out of this brain washed school and into the woods. Letting my mind run wild but also keeping the one and only goal in mind. To prove everyone wrong. To prove that vampire's and werewolf's aren't deadly. Little did I know my life changed for the good just for a little walk in the woods.

1049 words

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