8: What's Happening?

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Chapter 8: What's Happening?
Song: Can You Hold me By NF
Quote: You can close your eyes to the things you don't want to see but you can't close your heart the things you don't want to feel ~Johnny Depp

"What's the matter with her?" Ever since my mate and sister got home, my mate has been locked in her room for the last hour. Not opening the door for anyone. She won't even look at me or any one else. Her bags of clothes are out side her door. I wanted to try to have a reason to see her so I brought all her bags of clothes up stairs to see if she would open the door. Everyone has been trying to get to her, even May and she won't even open the door for May. I know everything changed but I thought it wouldn't change that much.

"Kevin she's in shock. You try being human it's not really that easy." My sister yelled from across the hallway. She's hanging up pictures that she wanted up. Me I don't care for them they were pictures of the ocean. The only ocean I want to see is my mates eyes but I can't.

"In shock about what?"

"Kevin she's a human that was just thrown into the werewolf life style. You try to be her, it's not easy. Let her figure things out first. Then she'll come around but right now you need to give her space. Let her run her little mind and then she'll realize that she's over thinking it and then come around." May spoke so calmly going to the next picture, hanging that one up I never understood how girls could hang up pictures. It's boring.

"What if she doesn't come around? What if it takes a long time to come around? What if it's hours, or days, or years! May I need her."

"She'll come around soon. Just wait."

"May. I just want to hold her." She paused and turned around walking towards me.

"I know. You will one day but that day is not today." She held pain in her eyes. Telling a wolf that he had his mate but can't hold her is worse then rejection. It hurts knowing you have someone but won't be able to hold her or sometimes him in some cases. May grabbed my hand and pulled me away from my mates door. Sadly not being able to at least see her.

Evangeline Point Of View

Sitting in the room I didn't know what to do. I can hear them crystal clear outside. He's in pain and I'm the cause of it but I don't know what to do. I don't know anything about liking someone let alone loving someone. I some how understood everything May told me about rouge's, laws, the moon godness, packs, Alpha's, Luna's, Beta's, thirds, warriors, trackers, omega's, how my feeling's affect the pack, or if I die or leave what it will do to them. But what I didn't understand is how leaders could lead people to do bad things. People follow your lead, they follow by example and not what you say. Or how the moon goodness doesn't just let them chose their own mates. Standing up I looked around to see what I could do. Pain in my back made me fall to the ground and let out a scream as the pain shot threw my whole body. Not a minute later the bedroom door was broken down as arms lift my body off the floor and onto his lap. The sparks reduced the pain alittle. I knew it was Kevin just by them flying.

"May!" Kevin screamed as loud as he could.

"She's shifting." My guess was May. The pain in my body didn't make me care that much anymore.

"She's human!"

"Well she's been lied to her whole life." The pain made it hard to breathe. Reaching out I grabbed his hand holding tightly. Scared of what was happening.

"It's going to be okay angel. Jared get the docter!" Letting another scream fall from my lips I held onto Kevin never wanting to let go. I felt safe with him.

3rd person view

"You told me she was human." The docter yelled paniced. Grabbing everything he thought be needed for his Luna. Both racing back to the room that their Luna is in.

"That's not how the werewolf's are supposed to shift!" Kevin yelled as Evangeline shifted completely opposite then werewolf's. She was shifting into something much smaller and more slower than normal.

"Jared and Ray I need you two to go see what you can find on any type of shifter. Any kind and fast. Go!" May spoke trying to keep her calm as her Luna shifted into something unknown. She knew some shifters died during their shift. She just hoped this wouldn't be the case. Evangeline looked at Kevin. Unsure of what to do. She was hurting him earlier and yet he is here helping her.

"I'm sorry." Tears fell from her eyes as her heart broke.

"Shh. Angel it's okay. You have nothing to be sorry about. You didn't know this would happen." He spoke wiping her tears away as fast as he could he didn't want to see her in anymore pain then she already was in.

"No. Before now. I made you hurt. Because I pushed you away."

"You don't understand everything. That's okay Angel. We can talk about this later. It'll be okay." He whispered sweet nothings in her ear as he played with her hair trying to take her mind off the pain and worry she has. She let out one last whimper before she fully shifted. Into something no body as ever seen. Shocked everyone froze as Evangeline moved towards the full lenght mirror. Pawing at the mirror she didn't understand what she was. Let alone know what she was doing. Kevin slowly still shocked move over to her petting her. Her fur was pure black. Just then Ray and Jared ran into the room. Trying to catch their breathe, their eyes wided in shock.

"Alpha there's only one other shifter out there."

"What is it?"

"Alpha. Luna is the unknown shifter."

"That doesn't tell me what my mate just shifted into!" Kevin yelled a little.

"Alpha. She's the only cat shifter to ever walk this planet."

Evangeline's Form

Evangeline's Form

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1070 words

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