22: Messing With Him

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Chapter 21: Messing With Him
Song: Mercy By Shawn Mendes
Quote: Life isn't a movie, don't end it.

CNBcorrine GrayNightWriter sissebizz signeiss DawnRoseberry lulu_writing princessice47 user75680554

"Uh." Kevin started unsure of what to say to my brother who was lending onto the door with his arms across his chest.

"Yes." I stepped in for Kevin trying to help him.


"Because it's a free country."

"Of course it's a free country but why are you moving into a house with him?"

"Because it's the United States of America."


"I'm suing you." I thought.

"Why would you sue me?"

"Or I can kill you." Thinking out loud on what I should do to him.

"You can't kill me, you love me too much."

"You think?"

"I know."

"Okay dream on little boy."

"I'm older then you little girl. Plus taller then you."

"Don't diss my tall-ness!"

"Don't you mean height?"


"Okay fine. Tall-ness."

"Sissy who is that?"

"You just got called that!" Laughing at what my brother who was just called that.

"That thing over there is our brother Austin."

"Oh okay."

"What no love for me?"

"Nope!" He faked hurt before looking at my mate for help.

"You help him and I'll end you."

"Sorry bro. You're now your own." Good. He sided with me.

"What? Why?"

"I love my life too much."

"I'm mad at you."

"Yeah well you'll get over it." Setting up as I held onto Violet.

"Your mate's on your side!"

"Because he loves me more than you!"

"Kevin! Is this true?" He yelled as high as he could pointing at me. Kevin looked at him werid before reaching over and grabbing me pulling me into his lap as Violet was laying on my lap watching between us as if we were in a movie.

"Kevin you wouldn't!" He yelled even higher because of me in his lap.

"Oh but I would."

"Who do you love more? Me or that thing." He joked around.

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