2: Meeting The Alpha

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Chapter two: Meeting The Alpha
Song: Start A Fire by Unspoken
Quote: *It's the the friends we meet along the way that help us appreciate the journey.
*Behind us are memories beside us are friends before us are dreams.
What's so wrong with the woods? What is out here that everyone fears? All that's out here is these amazing trees. Different shades of green. The only thing that was moving was the wind go threw the trees. I don't know I have always loved the nature. It's beautiful who can't love it?

"A human?" Why do I always have to prove people wrong?


"You know you're the first human to step foot in these woods."


"Why?" By now I should of been running but of course I'm Evangeline and have to prove people wrong.

"I'm proving people wrong."

"Wrong about what?" This time it was a voice behind me so I turned as the wind picked up.

"That vampire's and werewolves aren't deadly." Instead of him responding back he stared at my neck. More of the tattoo actually. I cleared my throat as I quickly moved my hair in front of my neck, covering up my strange tattoo or mark I should say. I waited for an answer.

"Where did you get that tattoo?"

"I was born with it. I know it's werid. You can call me a freak, I don't care." I finished my rant quickly, unsure of what to say.

"You're not a freak, but that tattoo has alot of history behind it. We need you to come with us." By now there should be red flags going up. I should just ran. Trust me I know, but then again I'm Evangeline. I don't listen well so I went with them. The walk was quite and what shocked me the most is we didn't even walk that far until we came to a huge house.

"This is the pack house." The same guy spoke. That name made sense. They ran in a pack so they live together. I know I'm not the smartest.

"I thought you guys just lived outside." I mumbled as I earned a few chuckles from the two guys.

"No we are like humans- Well kind of. We live like you guys but we just shift whenever we want."

"Finally someone agrees with me." I mumbled as I earned a few strange looks from the two guys but they just let it pass. Why am I with a bunch of werewolves right now? I believe they have sharp teeth and can eat me up for lunch, but then again I'm not the smartest person on this plannet.

"Okay you set there and I'll be right back." I nodded sitting in the chair throwing my legs over the side of the chair spinning in the chair, waiting. After a few moments as I noticed that one of the guys stayed behind and watch me. My chair was spon around suddenly so that I was facing a guy. A different guy this time. His eyes was the brightest blue I have ever seen. They reminded me of a ocean. Many places to go, many places to see. His hair was a black that should be called a sin. He is built big and that makes sense because he's the Alpha. As he spoke he ripped me away from my endless flowing thoughts.

"The woods are scary. You should be neary. Don't get too close. Dangerous thorns grow on the rose. There's more than mountain goats. You don't know what floats." He spoke, a smirk formed on his face slowly threw out the poem.

"Don't you humans live by that rhyme?"

"What can I say? My kind is stupid."

"Why did you come into these woods?"

"To prove my classmates wrong."

"Prove what?"

"That your kind and vampires aren't deadly."

"What makes you think we aren't?" He questioned leaning down so that we're face to face.

"Well for one I'm not dead."

"Why would we kill you?"

"Yeah." I paused looking at him carefully, as I stood up causing him to back up a step. "Your not deadly. Now I got to go find the Vampire's."

"Alpha Taylor look at her neck." The myster guy that found me and has no name. I'm going to call him Brownie since his hair is as brown as a brownie.

"You're Alpha Taylor?" I questioned trying to get over my shock, I guessed he's the alpha but I didn't really know. He nodded stepping foward moving my hair away as he looked at my neck. I really hate when people touch my hair. A smile formed on his face as he grabbed my arm. Like he was testing something but all I felt was weird sparks.

"You can't leave." He finally added after a few moments finally not smiling like a creepo.

"I don't like being told what to do."

"You're still not going anywhere."

"And why the heck can't I?"

"No bad words should ever come out of your mouth."

"Heck isn't a bad word."

"Yes it is."

"No it isn't."

"Yes it is."

"Yeah well you need to get that check out then. Heck isn't a bad word but I could say words like-" His hand was over my mouth fast cutting me off of my almost cuss words. Like I was really going to say a bad word. Those sparks are driving me insane now. I grabbed his hand and pulled it off glaring at him. His hand grabbed mine again as I sent another glare his way.

"I'm going now." I spoke grabbing his hand forcing my arm free as I started walking out the front door, that was until I was pulled back into a chest as arms wrapped around me. Holding me in place and killing any chance of getting free from him.

"Let me go you werido!"


"No your not going anywhere, you're not allowed to either."

"Since when did you become my dad?"


"Also known as you're not the boss of me. Now please let me go! I am begging you! Just let me go!"

"I can't let you go." He trailed off. "I can't lose you."

"And why not!"

"You're not and can't be going anywhere because your my mate."

1054 words

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