keeping secrets

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"Demi, come on dinner." called My Mom to me from downstairs

"Coming." I groaned

I rolled out of my bed and put my song book on my desk and trotted down the steps.

"Where's Dal?" I asked my mom while washing my hands at the sink

"She's off with rob, I think they're getting pizza." says my mom

"What about Maddie?" I ask taking a seat at the table with my mom

"she's outside with Eddie grilling the steaks, see if they need any help." my mom says nodding towards the back door to the backyard

I nod and head out there.

"Hey, glad you're here, take these steaks in and set them on the table I'm going to get Maddie washed up." Says Eddie handing me a plate of five giant steaks

I walk back into the kitchen and set out silverware and napkins then sit back down. My mom sets peas on the table along with salad and I get a glass of water as Eddie and Madison sit down I join them then my mom. I take a lot of salad and some steak.

"So demi your 14th birthday is Sunday its Wednesday what do you want to do for it?" asks my mom scooping some peas onto Maddie's plate

"I told you, I want Marissa and Selena and a few other girls from school to come over and watch a few movies or something then maybe have Selena to spend the night." I say eating mostly just the lettuce on my plate

"Ok I'll see what I can do." says my

mom winking at me and smiling.

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