keeping secrets

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I try to get some more sleep after my mom leaves with Dallas and Eddie leaves with his friends and Madison isn't even awake but I'm too late.

"Demi." screams Madison outside my door

I groan and put a pillow over my face as she walks in and u feel her presence by my bed. She starts tapping me getting harder and harder.

"Get out!" I yell in her face chucking a pillow at her face causing her to fall down.

She starts whimpering and rocking back and fourth.

"Oh get up that did not hurt." I say rolling out of bed and throwing her on my back as we head downstairs.

"I want pancakes." she says as we reach the kitchen and I set her on the counter.

I nod and start getting the ingredients out of the refrigerator.

I'm soon finished with her breakfast and I set a plate of pancakes In front of her.

"What are you going to eat?" she asks pouring syrup over her pancakes

"I'm not hungry right now." I lie

After she finishes her food I set her I front of the TV and turn on her favourite show.

"I am going to take a shower, do not leave the house I am going to be right upstairs." I say in a stern tone

"Ok." she giggles

"Madison, I mean it." I say looking into her eyes

She nods.

I go upstairs and head to my bathroom, I strip and grab the blade from under the counter.

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