Okay this happened a while back but ya know whateva
Okay so I own an editing page on insta, not gonna expose but I run it worth my friend and I made an icon
I published the icon to the page
Okay a while later, I'm scrolling through icon accounts and find one that caught my attention
Once again not exposing
And so I see that they stole my icon and snuck heir watermark on the side
So I'm like "this is my icon take it down or give me cred"
So my online friend and my friend irl come To my rescue and they defend me :)
So then she has the fucking nerve to delete the post, block me, then post on her insta story saying that she made that icon for an old friend which later changed their user and then I took it
Did I travel into the future just to steal ur icon??
Well I don't blame her for stealing my icon, her edits are shitty anyway 🙄
Her story doesn't add up, and even if she did make it, why did she go through the trouble of blocking me and complaining to her followers? Umm defend for urself
And it's funny cause the caption said "please do not steal"
"do as I say not as I do" - blancopeach
And so I DM her on my main acc and then she's like "umm I found it online soooo" YEH BITCH U FOUND IT ON MY INSTA
okay moving on
So I tell her to re-create it with a different color and face claim to prove that she really did make it
And then ya know what¿ she blocked me 💀💀 kakakakkakak I hope she chokes on dirt and dies