For a couple seconds i cant process anything. All the noise comes in one ear and out the other. Finally I hear screaming it's coming from my right. I look over there and I see Rose she has tears flowing down her face. I run over to her even though I can here Verbal yelling into the microphone telling me to come on stage. I ignore her.
When I get to Rose I hug her tightly. "shh, don't cry." I say. It doesn't help, she continues to cry. Finally I feel someone grabbing me from behind. I turn to see Tyren trying to get me to come on the stage. I let go of Rose and walk hand in hand with Tyren. "Well, shake hands." Verbal said. Instead we hug. I like my cousin and I don't want to kill him. That is if I don't get killed first.
When we get inside the justice building instead of being placed in separate rooms we are placed in one because we are family and the same people are coming to see us. First my mom and his mom come and with Rose. Rose comes straight towards me with her arms held open. I embrace her warmth in a hug. I wish I didn't have to say good bye. It makes the pain worse. "Rose you can't cry." I say. " But..." " No buts ok I love you." She sobs. "I love you too." She says. I walk over to my mom. " Mom I love you but no matter how much you hurt you can not cry." " I won't." She says. "Ok." I walk over to my aunt and Tell her that i love her. She sighs then guves me a hug. Peacekeepers burst in and say times up. Rose clings onto me. My mom has to pull her off me. "I'll see you soon." I say to them. I look at my cousin and start crying.
Next Tyren's girlfriend came in Suzy. She is crazily in tears. He hugs her for a long time they stay silent. Finally they come apart. She walks over to me and says " I'm so sorry this happened to you." She hugs me then kisses me on the forehead. She says one last good bye to Tyren and she walks out. Tyren sits on the couch and I sit next to him. "One of us could win you know?" I say. He looks at me. "I'm good with knives and you can throw spears." I say. He nods. Suddenly something unexpected happens.
Parker Poplust walks in the door. I have had a crush on him since the 1st grade. Then something even more unexpected happens. He walks and pulls me up off the couch and into his arms and kisses me.